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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. well if ur on a budget and u dont rly need a headset, i say just wait until u have more money in ur pocket, the cheap headsets will most likely die or screw up within a few months or so, buy a headset thats at least $80 or more, those are usually the better quality ones

  2. imo, dont use ankle weights or any kind of weights on urself, from what ive heard, it will fuck u over later on in life, its best to stick to ur own body weight as a way to weigh u down, anything thats artificially added to ur weight like ankle weights arent good for u

  3. oh dear god its rexx, ill ignore everything that u did and just give u some advice. for cardio, what u want to do is to do several different types of cardio exercises, dont just focus on running cause ur body will get used to it and u wont improve. do jogging, sprinting, biking, swimming, uphill walking and jogging (helps a lot more and is more taxing on ur muscles)

  4. ya, mcneo decided to stay, so there is no reason for this thread to stay open (if im not right, then msg me or comment on my post mcneo)


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  5. i can remove ur mod powers so u can work for them if u want to, cause theres def a high chance that ull get mod in the future, hopefully ull reconsider leaving though, cause u are one of the more useful members of the clan

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    -sealed away in the last great time war

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    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


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    -sealed away in the last great time war