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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. whoops, forgot to close this thread, i finished all my exams and they were easy as fuck, thank god i studied for them lol, btw kids, study for ur tests, makes it a lot easier to do and makes u feel better when u finish ur exam in 20 minutes


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  2. a former plague on the servers, came from the north, no one knows how or from what area of the north it came from, some say it came from beyond the Wall, the nights watch couldnt stop it, not even the House of Stark, they had to send ravens to the other Six Kingdoms asking for help to pushing it back, they did not spare a moments notice, and they immediately mobilized their finest arms and soldiers, they were a sight to be seen oh yes they were, in short order they began pushing the plague back, mercilessly striking it down at every turn, until it was sent back beyond the Wall and hunted down after, it hasnt been seen since but from what legends say, it will never be able to return and poison the lands again

  3. he meant to say 2- 19- 12 which is february 19, 2012, but the forum reads any -1 as the red thingy, unless u space it out like this "- 1" then it wont show up as the red thingy, also echo, u cant gravedig member apps cause some take a rly long time, and usually, that app is closed and the person is told to make another one, at which point the vouches on the first one would be transferred over to the new one

  4. I'm going to this because you were generally very rude and offensive to just about everyone on the servers whenever I saw you playing them. I don't think many people (Or anyone) appreciated that you acted in this manor.

    there u have it, a mod whos active on rpg surf and "knows the people" there, anything else ud like to add spongeboob?

  5. ive been telling him for weeks to stop worrying about updates, and plugins and all sorts of server shit to take a break and admire his work and play on the servers, and to get better at css +1

  6. hmm, considering that neos a div leader for css, and that mark is saying hes trustworthy and all, ill prob talk to silence as to why floodles did a mass freeslay and see what happens from there

  7. What admin asked me to stop? You certainly didn't. The only time we talked within 3 days before this was about Kelly and right before I was banned, and you didn't ask me to do that then.

    u said it urself that admins were telling u to stop, so ur the one who should know which admins told u to stop, not me

  8. No one has ever politely asked me to stop throughout my history here besides admins (and it's still not normally polite).


    If people were to do so, I would do as they ask. It's not hard to understand.

    so why didnt u stop when not just any random or regular member but an admin asked u to stop trolling? and are u implying that admins are not people and thus u dont feel an obligation to do what they say?

  9. logo.png




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    -sealed away in the last great time war