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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Ok,now with all this new hub stuff and credit system,i had lost the hats i bought, like everyone else did, but when i had donated i never had to enter in any donation code or anything for it, so i honestly dont even know what it is or how to find it,and its sort of annoying that i only have like 500 creds and im trying to get like 10k for hl dj,i know i heard about a thing that you can just put in the email, but idk if thats up yet on the forums, or where to find it if it is. Im sure theres something on the original !Hub post and i probabally passed it by,im just making this post for help since im a impatient derp.

  2. Im not saying dont talk over warden isn't fine,i dont mind that,but its when he says it cant be pressed down at the same time, and the T gets killed for pressing it first

  3. Well i was on jb and wardens always say "dont have your mic pressed down when mine is" then if the T talks first and then the warden talks or even presses it the T dies, and in my opinion its unfair for the T that talked first, though i do understand the dont talk over warden concept,its annoying when the ct using mic doesnt stop talking.I just want to get a rule or something to specify wheter its allowed or not,+1 or -1(sorry for making a blog about this, was in the wrong section >.>)

  4. +1+1+1+1 Old xG was better >.> and im not only talking about the wardening system,None of the ct's that get warden ends up knowing the rules,every time it IS the same warden,and by the time person finds out they are warden, it might end up being a freeday,also tis is unrelated but ct's should take some sorta quiz to get ct :P

  5. If other people were using racism and also disrespecting, and he gets banned for saying bitch once, its a wrongful ban,You're supposed to warn first, kick, then ban, if he was banned immediately, then its not a fair ban, i guess it doesnt matter as much since hes unbanned anyway.