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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Well i mean, u did donate often,you knew rules(tho u did hack),i wouldnt mind having u back, +1, now watch everyones gonna ask for the pizza challenge and crap. Tho u might be demoted if u get back in.

  2. Ok,i know what most ppl will say to this,but sometimes, and we pretty much all do(mods etc.), we enjoy playing the game like we used to, not having to deal with rulebreakers 24/7, BUT It would nice if we had things such as an off duty system, now Before you -1 it (yet) let me point something out, There needs to be a rule on this if it gets added that there HAS to be 2-3 other mods on (that arent afk) and if the server is FILLED with rule breakers, or more serious things like hackers, mass freekillers,etc that you have to LEAVE the off duty and stay on duty until any given problems are handled. AND that there must be only a certain time that you can go OFF DUTY(I havent determined a time, if it gets +1'd then ill let the higher ups decide). Also there may only be may be 1 mod off duty for every 3 or so mods and admins.


    How to set this up, im not 100% sure, but it would be nice if there was a command in !admin that popped up as OFF DUTY and can detect how many mods or admins are on and how many are off duty so taht not all can go off duty, and argue about who got it first and shit.

    @@Starbuck It doesnt have to be what i suggested, but if you could make something of the sort, or even have the off duty mods put OFF DUTY in their name to let people know that theyre off duty, and shouldnt be bothered


    Ok, so let me point out Other reasons why you should +1 this, even tho that wont happen :


    -It keeps a HELL of a lot of stress off admins,where if they get too stressed out, wont wanna deal with shit anyway.


    -It assures all mods have to take turns watching rule breakers, because i first hand have seen people who dont deal with shit and end up saying "well, other mods are on,why should i have to do it?"(not saying names), so they can do what the got mod for in the first place instead of sitting around and playing with themselves,and not doing shit.


    Well,im about to get tore the fuck up by everyone or called a derp when i click the post button and I know what people will say, "well the more admins on the better" or "mods dont do shit,why let them take a break" well like i said, its only a suggestion and i dont think this HAS to be approved although it would be nice imo. Thx if you read all this shit.

  3. But what would be deemed as generally terrible, maybe that person likes it, but also im not making this post for mod vs mod type stuff, jsut maybe a mod tells other ppl to stop, id rather not donate for hldj and not be able to use it, because ppl dont like the song im playing.

  4. Ok, so i know theres an HLDJ rule where if a staff member says to stop you have to,but i want to have one thing about specified, it doesnt say that the moderator/admin etc needs a valid reason like if its not good quality, or if its rasict,etc. by what i see i can stay on the server the entire time and say NO HLDJ I WONT ALLOW IT,basically restricting the use of it.

  5. I've been active on Gmod recently, i currently have CS:S Moderator,not so sure how to find my game time for the specific server. i used to have super admin on another gmod server tho i will need reminding on the commands, i would love to be mod on the Gmod servers, incase its needed STEAM_0:1:30352392


    I did donate



  6. Ok so we at first for admins had a console thing that says Blah Blah blah attacked blah blah blah, then we had a thing in chat EVERYONE could see which is the same thing as console in all chat, when the chat one got removed the admin one got removed, and WE cant see who attacks who and who mass freeshoots, someone just mass naded a stack of t's and i cant do shit about it since idk who did it. +1 to bring it back, -1 if u want it kept gone.

  7. Really? You have proof? Wheres the video showing you did nothing wrong? Oh, you dont have one


    And your ban reason, if you dont know it, then dont even make a fuckin ban protest, because you MAY have done something wrong.And also stop bringing TeamSpeak up because it has NOTHING to do with server taht you got banned from.


    And duckii says the ban reason was breaking server rules and fleeing, ganja your saying though he mass freekilled and left yet its apparently a day ban, if he did do that it should be made permaban from servers.

  8. Lol No proof, trolling on TS is not an unban reason, wtf does your ban reason mean? and your little story doesnt mean anything, its not proof, but for who banned him, if you asked like hes saying "did you bait yesterday" just cuz he said yes doesnt mean you can ban him since YOU have no proof either taht it was him, or that he fled and didnt just leave 10 minutes later for other reasons.