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Everything posted by Brian

  1. This is instigating, if I'm not mistaken. Name-calling, excuses, etc. Just chill bro.
  2. Yet another fine display. I simply said you were fitting the stereotype and your history. You're now trying to instigate with me. I never said I wasn't gonna post anymore, I just said I didn't want to flame. Like I said before, chill out.
  3. This is exactly the type of behavior I mentioned. He tries to instigate fights, then tries to make it seem that the other person started. Chill out.
  4. Chill out, dude. I don't have to bring proof if I simply state my opinion. It's my opinion on why you should not be in the clan. Plus, all these admin abuse threads and personal experiences do not help. Like I said dude, chill. I don't want to flame this thread.
  5. Browse the forums. There are plenty of examples. ---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 PM ---------- I don't want to flame this thread. I stated my reason.
  6. I really don't need to. Most of the xG remembers when you had mod, and you abused all the time.
  7. Decision : -1 Reason : This guy has been banned several times on the basis of trolling. We have never had a genuinely decent experience, from banning me falsely on the accusation of "Hacking" in Minecraft, to overall trolling of potential members. He doesn't have anything new to bring to xG, and what he will bring is torture. Don't get me wrong, if you like him, he'll like you, but he is a bad person in my opinion. He was an even worse admin, abusing people while refusing to give reasons. He would most likely abuse Teamspeak Mod if given. Instead of actually kicking the mic-spammers, all he would do is complain when something doesn't go his way, and ban those who oppose. tl:dr Troll and Aboose.
  8. Brian

    Trade Maps

    Trade Maps trade_bazaar_b4 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Training) - GAMEBANANA Trade Plaza (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA trade_face8 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA
  9. Brian


    Look at the shit-faced grin on the scout. He knows it's funny.
  10. Brian


    >try to play TF2 >see this >what do
  11. Brian


    Promo demo is coming up. Just wait and see who they promote.
  12. We have around 100 maps on Gun Game? Bobpoblo's Gun Game Map Pack 3 (14 levels) (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Map Packs) - GAMEBANANA These are the only maps we need. 14 is more than enough. Erase all of those, and put these in.
  13. Brian

    surf reset..

    @@silence Well, this has been happening quite a bit. Maybe there is a pattern going on. If you have too high level, and keep it there for a certain amount of time, maybe it resets? Anyway, it should be the number 1 focus as of right now.
  14. Brian

    Comment Trips

    Check-em babies
  15. How about a no jailbreak week?
  16. How about populating the other ones? The only ones people play are -Surf RPG -Minigames -Jailbreak That's pretty much it. The truth is, you will most likely ask for a server, silence will give it to you. Then, after playing about 2 weeks, if even that long. You then get bored and go back to jailbreak, and later complain when silence takes the server down. I don't understand the logic behind this. For example, the Survival Zombie Server. We had this server for about a month. Only a select few played it. Then, as soon as the server was removed, you all kept asking "Why did you remove it? I wanted to play on it!" Just go populate other servers when jailbreak gets boring, instead of logging off. It's simple.
  17. Get on Teamspeak 3 more often, and I'll +1.
  18. Peace man. We didn't speak much, but good luck out there.
  19. Dang man, it was fun playing with you. I'd love to play on your server though.
  20. You guys have Trisomy 21, I swear. 1. This thread was a joke, hence why it was posted in random. 2. This thread is nearly a month old, so stop grave digging. 3. Trisomy 21 is another name for Down Syndrome.
  21. Brian


    Who are you? Anyway, I'm back guys. Had a very fun Spring Break.
  22. Well, I'm gonna go on a hunch here but- Decision: -1 Activity 9/10 Maturity 3/10 He is very active, I'll give him that, but his maturity is very lackluster. He kept instigating arguments with a few of our members. He even went as far as to call xG a communism, which is quite hilarious to some, but utterly disgusting to others. ---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ---------- If I see a change in your behavior, I will change it to a +1, but as of right now, no thanks.