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Everything posted by Microsoft

  1. You cant do anything? Is it everyone having the problem or just a couple of people. Edit: Just logged into creative and i see whats happening, idk what is causing it. I dont think its towny Please do. micro is AWOL School Sucks
  2. I can remove it, all it really does is spam chat.
  3. Other than the fact that says he was previously in xG its fine, i can ask him to change that. Who cares if hes under 16, i dont expect half the people who play minecraft to be older than 16
  4. Where are you super lol, you said you'd be back on friday
  5. +1 See him on constantly, nice and doesn't break rules :)
  6. Microsoft

    Payday 2

    I have it, and they just said they're giving people who preordered the game free dlc :)
  7. I dont see any cheated levels :| i mean 1013 excavation is high but he plays the server a lot and probably flattened some huge area of land
  8. Make them know the rules of both servers and can play whichever they want. So if someone needs an admin on they can jump on the other server
  9. Microsoft


    I'm not exactly sure what you just said
  10. Well we have managed to finally get people playing on the servers but I've noticed that nobody in xG plays the server, i was on for a good 3-4 hours straight and there was a steady 10 people on, but the only thing is all not a single one was an xG member, except for me and Audible. I don't know how to get you on but please post suggestions that may get you to play.
  11. I don't have an input either...I've only ever played with him on Gmod and never had a problem with him, the only thing i 've seen so far is he got mad that he got banned and expressed his opinion about his ban. +0
  12. Microsoft


    Well thats what i mean Breaking point is an older mod of dayz, and then there is Overwatch, then another arma mod is wasteland
  13. Microsoft


    I guess but seeing it now I feel like standalone won't be coming out for a while, because they keep deciding to add crazy unnecessary things :(.
  14. Microsoft


    Is there any way we could get a server again? I know we had one and it didnt do well, but thats because it was vanilla Dayz, there is so many more mods for dayz now
  15. I am so creative and great at using fireworks, and this is what i made
  16. @@GiddyAlphaCarter Now we just need to have some kind of Operation populate Minecraft when there is people on. @@Forest @@serbiansnaga
  17. Is this somewhat of an improvement? [MEDIA=imgur]slsIEqT[/MEDIA]
  18. I myself have tried many many times to advertise the server and it does work, but the only thing is when you advertise 20 new people join the server ask for op or admin then leave the server because we say no. If you have some masterful plan of getting these kids that do this to stay in the server, then please tell me and i would be happy to oblige. If you cant find a way to do this then please stop dwelling on the fact that our servers are not populated. @@GiddyAlphaCarter
  19. I dont agree, maybe extend the time but dont get rid of it, and im pretty sure it gives u a warning before it does it.
  20. I think you can do this but, im really tired of playing the same maps over and over again...Community pool, rooftops, 67thway, the something else like roytheship. The it goes back to the same order. I know you already have something that makes it so u cant vote for the same map but make the timer longer so you cant play the same maps after 3 other maps. P.S i played around 9-10 hours straight and only played 5 or 6 maps
  21. What your saying makes no sense what so ever. If your saying he has a life and its not his fault then you cant say its our faults, what if we had lives? Me and warrior did set up the voting system on both servers and at one point were getting votes everyday because people wanted diamonds. But the fact of the matter is that minecraft is a game that gets super boring if u don't have friends to play with, and even when playing with friends it gets really boring once you get tons of stuff and build a nice house/town.
  22. Join full rooms on teamspeak there is likely to be some people playing league
  23. You got most of it right, but people only complained because all of the admins had one faction, and played a lot which led to us raiding. And people complained that we cheated to find coords and spawned things in
  24. That's why you have to donate for them :)
  25. /kit gold will give you a full set of chain armor. And when you get gold ranking you inherit everything from iron ranking. This goes for being Diamond you inherit gold and iron things