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Posts posted by easy

  1. -1




    Oscar's unban thread from february when he got banned for wallhacks by blatantly showing us in an admin abuse thread.


    Everyone -1'd him "Disrespectful & Hacked". Yeah, I get he was disrespectful, but even on his new protest everyone's -1ing him mostly because "He hacked, once a hacker always a hacker". Why is the case different with DuckiiJr? He's a great guy, did a lot for the us by being a good member, mod, admin. Always on forums/teamspeak, but I don't think that's a good enough reason to unban him. I get where serbian & all the other people who +1'd are coming from, & I respect your decision, but mine is different. inb4 someone criticizes me.

    @@MineCrack stop with the sarcastic remarks & snotty attitude, they gave their opinions, & you have NO right to put them down, & make them feel low. You yourself are giving yourself a bad reputation in my eyes.


    /ontopic; I like to suckle on my finger & touch my butthole so it sizzles.


    /slightlymoreontopic; DuckiiJr, you are a great person, & a terrible scrim player ;) :*.


    You hacked on the scrim server. For a FRIENDLY scrim. Wtf. Atleast if you're gonna do it, make sure it's for something important. Anyways; We can never fully trust you won't go do it again when people start criticizing your css skills, because you have a point to prove or whatnot. You can't undo what you did, but their are thins you can do. Like; 1: Mona Pizza Challenge. 2; Find a way to get $20 & the picture. 3; Wait a while, & post another protest (If this gets denied). But, I have to -1. Not because I don't like you, not because I think you're a bad guy, but because I have this thing with hackers, & they just get right under my toenails & make me cringe.


    tl;dr As people have said in other ban protests for hackers, "once a hacker always a hacker". Maybe people think differently, I don't know, that's what I inferred from it. I like you, but wait a bit & post another protest (If this gets denied). & I'll re-evaluate what's happened, & maybe consider +1'ing.


    But until then,


    I wish you goodluck from the bottom of my heart.


    Thanks for being a great attribute to the community,


  2. For the first week- week & a half, you're not gonna wanna eat anything. You'll have too, but it will hurt. If possible, have soup, ravioli, that kind of stuff for a while until you get used to it. Then after a couple weeks, you'll be eating whatever. But on some of your teeth, it will still be sore, so if you get that, chew on the other side, because it hurts.

  3. ervione can change guise, just giev him 1 mor chanceeeeeeeee

    spoken like a man who eats shit on a daily basis. Let's all take notes on this man

  4. I can't get used to calling @@Bryce, bryce. I still call him herpes.


    But, ontopic; I talked to aegean, so lets all stfu. I asked him "If hongkong donates the $20 for duckiijr, & he posts the picture, would he get unbanned?" He said "Yes he would, because he hasn't been permed before for hacking/trolling e.t.c."



    So, there's nothing we can do if that happens.

  5. @@McNeo You're really mad about that?


    I'll say a few things;


    1; You brought this upon yourself, if you weren't going around being drunk, none of this were to happen.

    2; I say shit all the time, ask anyone. If you really take anything I say seriously, you sir, need to meet me in-person.

    3; You want action taken upon us because we said something YOU did to YOURSELF?


    Say I killed a bunch of people irl, then people started calling me a murderer. They'd have every right too because I MURDERED PEOPLE. Same thing here, you got DRUNK on tinychat? I'm not sure about that, but you did that. You have a picture of you drinking on here somewhere, & more shit. So why the fuck, would I not be able to say that, in a joking manner?


    Sir, don't get so mad, it was a joke.



    EDIT: Too add on to this, I also make fun of other people. For instance, I make fun of orange juice, cristo (By calling him dirty mexican), Gawd, Trif, Billy, Taki, ALL THE SCRIM PEOPLE.


    You get mad at me over this, which means you don't know me at all.. gg no re.

  6. I've been a bhopper for 2 or more years, I'm not silent, & I fuck up sometimes & get back strafes. I honestly, can't tell on this ONE occasion.