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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by JakeImpossibru

  1. In the 1980s, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Jews are a race, at least for purposes of certain anti-discrimination laws. This is why I believe that Jews are a race because of these laws in AMERICA and if the server was created in America wouldn't this apply?
  2. Change your name to i love korean
  3. +1 true abuser what a haxor...
  4. Someone told me it was last ct so I came here. *RAPES EVERYONE*
  5. Herpes this is dumb and this guy needs to lighten up you gotta be active for people to know you and see how cool of a guy you really are! S.I.L.L.Y
  6. It says I have a Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Mobile is that good enough?
  7. Do you think I could play CSS on a labtop made in 2005?
  8. I'm first in E.Z. kills list :D get owned!!!
  9. Colorful change it to the coolest one we think it is!!!
  10. Idc what your name is your always sexy to me!
  11. Whatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt are you really that fucking dumb! Did you not read my post?!?! Why must you be such a dick and to think i actually cared!@!@!@!@!@!
  12. Decision: +1 Why: Everyone can change. Also quarantine you were the guy who got me started in this community even after what you did I know we all have our "hard times". So please don't let an old member this float away! Maturity: Very mature! Activity: Active while he was a member (I SUGGEST YOU GET ON AND MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS!)
  13. I love you welcome back meow... Meow... Meow... Meow...
  14. Thanks OH MAI GAWD doublebuttass and SuBB for +1 thanks it really means alot to me!
  15. I'm going to let you guys know that I'm going to post a ban request on >>>-KNEE-> for breaking the rules by opening a vent and then camping one afterwards! He should get a day ban for this but yea it's gonna come out when steam goes back on.
  16. Just wait 1 day and besides no proof of this so can someone close this already?
  17. +1 Once 3 weeks ago he told me to go the fuck away you Asian bastard. So I went and to ts3 to go look for a mod to ban his ass instead I left went on with my life. He obviously thinks he's god or some shit and can disrespect anyone he wants and if you guys want this to stop +1 this thread!
  18. JakeImpossibru


    Yay for randomness! (PENGUIN SMELLS!)
  19. Kelly is not a man so I don't know how that applies duckiijr :/