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Posts posted by Mykhol

  1. I'm so confused right now...if that's your name change history you impersonated an admin, unless papi was there to let you.....and I've had to keep a watchful eye on you while you're on ct and t alike. When You break a rule you go "THAT'S A VENT? OH HAHAAHAHAHAHHA" You think it's funny breaking rules...."THAT'S ARMORY? OH HERHEHRHURHRAHAHAH"

    I'm almost certain that pyro banned the right person

    -1 to unban

  2. However you're joking we do need more division's.

    There is a flaw in this though...


    New Divisions = New Players, Lot's.

    New Players = More troll's

    New Players + Time and maturity = More Moderators

    More Moderators + More Troll's = Less troll's


    Depending on which game we might get more mature players, or less mature players. HoN LoL and WoW Have in my opinion more mature players than Little kid's. Or At least more mature skilled players.


    If we were to get more divisions in games like:



    APB (That'd be sick)


    We'd probably get less mature people and more little kid's but not by far. I know the server's aren't easy to run but a terraria division with a server with a twist would be a great addition to the clan and If I had enough money each month I'd make one, hopefully get it approved by Silence, and it could become *my* division, but that's not going to happen.

    What I'm trying to say it More divisions = bigger clan, which is obvious, but I don't know if we really want that just yet.

  3. i've passed this one note before, where the teacher took the note up, and said "would you like me to read this aloud?" and i said, "sure, give it a shot."

    she then proceeded to go to the front of the class, opened the note, read out loud "dude my.." then made a disgusted face, and told me to go the counselor.

    I'm not kidding.


  4. lol i've passed like 500 notes, mostly they get to me then i write something and send 1 back. Usually with girls, unless it's one of my friends starting a fight with the school-♥♥♥-hole.

    I've had maybe 1 or 2 taken away but my teacher(s) never read them out loud but they read them, -.-, he usually just makes ♥♥♥♥ up and says "DEAR <hot chick> I LIKE BARBIES" like fuuu stfu