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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Mykhol

  1. +1 even if he called me ugly one time i cant help but respect this kid ;P


    +1, he is a good guy see him around sometimes, knows rulls


    +1 your kool ive played with you, your a nice guy and funny


    Thank you :3 /bump

  2. 8 rue docteur grandjean, 54000 nancy, meurthe-et-moselle, lorraine, france

    Search that and go into street view. The house with the bike has a censored area and I searched that before it was censored....Idk why it's censored, there was a realistic mask of some kinda werewolf/alien thing and they decided to censor it...creepy

    anyway post yer crazy things on google street view here, spend 2000 hours searching and creeping the world.

  3. saw no submission when i searched him....just a ban request...

    "[xG] Penguin: Sladay what does xg mean to you

    <No response

    *searches on forums"

    *finds ban request and no submission*

    *must be a random poser*

  4. "Member Name: SliperyF


    Player's Name: Sladay93


    Player's Steam ID: No clue sorry


    Ban Request Reason: Free killing many times for aboustly no reason on the [xG] Xeno Gamers JailBreak Server. He was also free tazing, i belive that this should be more of a week CT ban rather than a Day as he did not follow orders to slay himself after he free killed many terrorists and finaly had to be slayn under the commant of warden.


    Please Take this seriously


    -Thank you

    Slipery Fingers"


    A ban request by Slipery F a while back, and I just found this same guy wearing the xG Tag on TF2....lol

  5. Duke you got a sexy-♥♥♥ beard




    am i the only one who though duke would look something like carrisimi or arthman? but hes like a bearded sexy mother ♥♥♥♥er, not like carrisimi and arthman arent sexy tho.