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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Mykhol

  1. norly i wanna hear, do it cupcakes.


    I got css on my new account after playing 600 hours of pointless ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and failing to kill anyone on dust2 until I gave my old account to my brother and made a new one. after I bought it and got maybe 100 hours.ish...i started to wonder what kind of gamemodes and maps there were...so i began searching the map box, "a b c d" and so on until I got to jb, I went to Amity or wtf it is, never joined their clan but played 10-ish hours until I realized "Wow jb is ♥♥♥♥ing retarded" but then I joined the xg server, met some amazing ppl, like Duckiijr, Xavien, not so much Rabid, because I had the name "Turtle Muncher" at the time and he hated me...lol, and a couple of other ppl who were there in june-july times.

    I changed my name from "Turtle Muncher" to Tortoise muncher, to penguin muncher to penguin to Michael to Michael the penguin after a long time. anyways I played around in xG for a while, almost got mod, but you know YEAH YEAH THE RAGE QUIT YUM, I was mad then because that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and some personal family buissness.. when I quit for about 3 weeks I was just ♥♥♥♥ing around looking for a clan, couldnt find a good one....came back. played some jb, made enimes and friends. Lovers. I met a lot of good people, Hudson, Sean(s), Arthman (HAH DIDNT FORGET YOU THIS TIME MOFO), and MANY MANY MANY others. became good friends with some of the current Div/co leaders before they became busy and borderline hated me. lol. after a month or two I left AGAIN, both times sadly forgetting my baby arthman in my leaving threads..sorry :(. I left to RB (terrible clan, unorginized and ♥♥♥♥) with Russian ninja, good times with eachother but bad times with that clan. I then came back just a few monthes ago because of people begging, but I've grown to stop being a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥, and the clan grew up a lot and then met EVEN MOOORE people. Good times. then I got moderator, but not gonna go on about that because I just got it :P. Overall my times in the clan have been good/bad 95% good 5% bad.


    I met amazing ppl

    like: arthman didn't forget youuuu, Sean(s), unique, xavien, hudson, ninjar (vero jr, hudson jr), serbian, admiral snackbar, psp, sgtblu, kimchi, billy, vicious, darken, duke, mohammad, pyro, canadia, MAD SCIEN-♥♥♥♥ING-TIST MISS YOU,meowmix, papi, herpes, rain, jihad, drugged, skaurai, kermit, anal, aragon, bruce, techno poncha meowmix rexx, peechis (t3kfaglol) ghost (miss him :(), russian, ben, trif, cigaro, high plains, duckiijr you cutie, did i mention arthman? arthman? okay arthman. wicke----met him irl like 3 years ago nvm. Epro, aegean, smokeyy tristram MISS THAT ♥♥♥♥A. idnewf, shadowblade, vero, orangejuice, kenny, hadron, vero vero, kevin, creature, mito dito, ghostbusters, fahad (my old jr <3), blood devil, serious buissness. everyone in general. If I missed you I'm sorry baby.

  2. I feel so loved....

    HEY HEY DUCKIIJR REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME WHEN UHH....it was like 4 am and i first met you on jb with 3 ppl and both of us were scared to use our mics...and we were both cts.. this was before you got mod...and we were good friends :D!

  3. GRAND PRIZE! EVERY game on Steam

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    Along with 75%-50% off deals every day


    Damn steam is going crazy with deals, x-mas is awesome on steam :D!

  4. I have a coupon for 50% off of a valve title.

    Enter your name here if you want it. I'll draw a name in 1 hour. (It's 7:15 PM, so 8:15PM)





    Sean the seamelon

    High Plains


    vero jr



    The way it works is I put your names on paper, throw em in a hat, mix em up, take a ♥♥♥♥ and stick my filthy hand in blindfolded.





    btw buttsex unless the girl has ♥♥♥♥ in her anus, then it gets rly messy if u ♥♥♥♥ it up (♥♥♥♥ spraying EVERYWHERE, not from personal experience, just saying)


    whaaaaaa....serbian we dont need to hear about your personal life.