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Posts posted by Peechis

  1. But we were using it for the scrim team practice. Current clan should come before former clan, and he was a nice guy to me before, but he was being a real *** tonight. We did nothing wrong, and he kicked us from the server.


    Thank you Duckii.

  2. I can't post this in the correct area, so I'll post in the right format :D


    Admins In-Game Name: ****(y) Blaster, Now going as ^-^

    Admins STEAM-ID. :STEAM_0:1:15682188

    Your In-Game Name: [xG] Peechis #xGScrim

    Your STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:1:32650176

    What server did this happen in?: xG Scrim

    What exactly did the abuser do?: He kicked me for not having 5 players of the scrim team in with me.

    Did they state a reason prior, if so, what was the reason?: They had a scrim set up, but none of them were in xG, but were still going to use the server.

    Did it affect other players?: Yes. Chosen and Herpes both got kicked because we did not have 5.

    Explain the entire situation here: I could not make scrim practice, so I asked Chosen if we could go in and do some 1 v. 1 to make up for me not being able to be there, so he could see what exactly my skills were for the team. Soon after, Herpes joined, and we were scrimming 2 on 1 for fun, and to get a feel for the maps. We were practicing for the xG scrim team, in the xG scrim server. ****(y) Blaster come in, and bring other players from his scrim team. He kicked Chosen (I do not have proof of this, sorry. I started recording after that happened) because we said we were not going to scrim with them because we were practicing, and the scrim team is just getting going again, we are not in scrim shape. More players started arriving, and Herpes and I got kicked by ****(y) Blaster for not having enough members to scrim, when we were practicing in our own server. He said Silence let him keep admin, and is giving out the password for the xG scrim server to, it looks like, anyone who says they will scrim his team.


    Proof: Free File Hosting - Online Storage; Upload Mp3, Videos, Music. Backup Files

  3. I just want to point out that Roxxor was wearing the tag before he was in the clan as well, and was warned by multiple people to take it off, including mods, before taking it off. So I don't see why he thinks it's his job to -1 everyone that wears the clan tag before they get accepted, because he did it as well. Just saying.

  4. Silly peechies its meant to go fast then stop fast. I do agree with you though lol. I loved this video, best part was the rev limiter on the 7th gear everytime :D


    Going fast requires power. MOAR POWAH.

  5. It shows his name, but it does not prove that he is the one that spammed the guns. He could be taking a screenshot of it, or maybe even recording who actually spammed, and the pile of guns that was left there. For all we know, you could have spammed them, and blamed Kenny. I'm not saying you did do that, but that this is really insufficient evidence to blame him on. Next time record it happening, or multiple screenshots of him actually spamming the guns.

  6. I think this could be closed up, it's not really doing anything aside from being a place for rexx to whine about a kid that was twice rejected from xG.

  7. Who else is going to randomly send me dirty pictures over forum chat, and let me call them a horse **** in return? We'll miss you, and how blunt you are with everyone. Without playing here, you'll have more time to **** *****es and make more money.

  8. HAHAHAHAHAhaAHAHAHAHA Roxxor, Rexx, same thing pretty much...? That's hilarious.

    Sounds like someone is looking to get their Brit spelling fancy *** beat down.

  9. I listen to a ton of music. Job For A Cowboy, Jay-Z, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, Audioslave, Fair to Midland, Tool, The Cranberries, Greenday.


    I can set my entire collection to shuffle and not hear something from the same artist for roughly 8 hours. I have good music listening to speakers as well, so it makes it even better.

  10. There is cheese rolling down the hill. First one to survive making it to the bottom gets it. It's funny because the cheese can go over 60 mph depending on the route it goes. This is the best day to call in sick if you work in an emergency room.

  11. Not Roxxor bud. Different dude. If I remember correctly this guy is 14 or 15 though, and spams hldj, so maturity level here is about even.

  12. Oh **** son. Someone is going to get their *** beat. By their mother. For using bad words against another person online.


    I loled hard at the "lets scrap then". Are we mid 90s So-Cal wannabe gangbangers?

  13. I ****ing lost it on this one... baby gets first taste of grapefruit...




    Damn Ero, you're young looking. I didn't know you were into footie pajamas still.

  14. Have you guys not been with any sort of news for the past few weeks? A Florida mother killed her daughter and kept the body in the trunk of her car for a week or so. She was found not guilty, when she was clearly guilty.

  15. If it happened once, maybe I would believe it. You freekill frequently, and always in a spraying manner. -1 Sorry bro, no use lying to us. Had you manned up and told the truth, I would have respected it enough to vouch the other way.