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Posts posted by Peechis

  1. This matter does not concern you at all. The reason he got banned has nothing to do with you, and you have no input on it. If you don't like the clan or how it gets ran, leave. There are people dying to take your spot on the server, and in all actuality, I'd rather they took your spot. You advertise your facebook page, and mic spam, and stick your nose where it doesn't belong at all. You don't question Silence, it is his server, he does what he wants with it. It is his clan, he does what he wants with it. nobody questions his actions on it but him.

  2. I wouldn't doubt if a renegade team of them came in, but if you look at it they're claiming not to run down the servers, just play as a group. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but if I catch them breaking rules, I will slay. Just because we want them to play nice doesn't mean I'm going to be lax with the rules.

  3. ^Banned for thinking that Dollar Store extension chords are good for anything.

    <Banned for being lucky that Dollar Store extension chords are good for nothing

    V Banned for also being lucky they are good for nothing, and should not mention anything about the post above this post.

  4. 1 more book to read called Animal Farm its like 100 pages so **** yeah

    Look up a little bit on the Russian Revolution during the Stalin era, pre-WWII. At times Orwell can get a little cut and dry, and make it a little bit of a bore, but it's maybe one instance in this entire book. It really is a great novel, and understanding the symbolism behind it takes it to another level. Do not listen to Wikipedia on character allegories. They are full of **** and lying to you (in some cases). It will just be confusing.



    Summer homework is for smart people with Honors/Advanced Placement classes silly. At least where I live. Maybe those other idiots have to work for the dumb classes lawl


    None of my AP or Honors classes required me to have summer homework. All 4 years of them. They just expected us to get better on our own.

  5. If you like technology, and a bit of paranoia, check out Little Brother by Corey Doctrow. All his books are free to download. It's an interesting story, with terrorists, more terrorists, Linux, and a few Xboxes. A lot of them, actually. Worth a read.