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Posts posted by Chickenlips

  1. of course u would name ur hero monica, lol, after u beat nightmare or inferno, whichever one is harder, start a hardcore campaign, makes shit a lot more intense


    Pretty sure Inferno is the last difficulty, I think it's like the most intense one. Not too sure, don't know much about the game. I know there is Normal,Nightmare, Hell and Inferno. I can't wait to buy this game, looks really cool.

  2. First off, I never said anything about leaving, or giving up on xG. All i said was it feels like a babysitting service, which it does, but the reason I took the role on was because xG needs people to help it out, and I'm not going to let some whiny people stop me from helping them. Believe me, if I didn't want to be a part of xG, I would've left already..


    No point complaining about it if you knew it was going to happen with the role you chose. It's just irritating seeing mods/admins say "IT'S MORE LIKE A BABYSITTING JOB AND I ALWAYS HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF OTHER PEOPLE". Not saying that's completely you but you still act like that wasn't what was to be expected. Helping people is babysitting. Some people are stupid some aren't, regardless of that stating the obvious that it's a "daycare" "babysitting" isn't going to make it any easier.


    Also when I mentioned giving up etc it wasn't strictly meant for you two, strictly meant for all of the people taking on the role of moderator and admin.

  3. Yep I live in British Columbia. Born and raised mostly in Ontario. Lived in the States for three years, not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Overall I love Canada and the States.

  4. all you newfags do is act like 4 year olds and cry "troll!" at the littlest thing. the servers used to be fun, when i didnt feel like i was running a kindergarden day care.


    A clan Syn (Trollface) made.


    Also, I agree with jay. It feels more like a babysitting service more than a game.


    JayBreeze and EZKILL you guys complain about it being a babysitting job yet you've taken on the role of being a moderator/admin. What's the point of taking on a huge role like that then complaining that it's babysitting? Of course it is, if you didn't expect that to happen you're an idiot. It's your job to take care of problems and help people, if you wanna complain about it don't take the role. Simple as that.


    If you wanna give up on something, give up on the big role of being a moderator/admin, not the whole server in general. The server is filled with retards and kids.. It's also filled with people you've grown to be fond of in-game. You don't just give up on the WHOLE just because of one thing being irritating.


    Like I said, don't take on the role if you want to complain about it. It was what was to be expected when becoming a moderator.

  5. Imma miss you chickenlips :( Don't be gone for to long okay!


    The whole point of this thread was to say that I'm coming back. It won't be as frequent as it use to be but I'll be around more than I have been. I've missed you too!

  6. Hey man, I'm assuming you missed the vjb merge. You should show up around JB soon, they're pretty awesome. :3


    Not sure what the vjb merge is but eventually I'll get familiar with it. For those who don't know me my name is Chickenlips and I'm a moderator on the jailbreak server. Been around since June/July.

  7. It's been a long time man, come back soon.


    It definitely has been a long time. Can't wait to get familiar with you guys again. I miss all the laughs I had with you guys. Cya soon!

  8. I'm eventually going to be returning. I decided not to put this in Hello/Goodbye since it's not really an introduction. I've been gone recently because of personal life and being busy and such with friends. I'll be less busy so when I come back it should be fun. It's sad to see all of the people I played this game around leave.. Hopefully when I come back we can still have some fun while everything lasts.


    Can't wait to play with the old and the new. Love all of you!

  9. Anyone who's deaf shouldn't be playing Jailbreak in the first place.. They can attempt to do it but just get shat on. I don't sympathize for this guy. It's his fault that he's playing a game that obviously requires hearing. It's not his fault that he's deaf, but he shouldn't be playing games like this in the first place unless he's scrimming or gun gaming or something.


    It's probably a troll but regardless of that he had no reason to get upset. You handled it well, good job.

  10. Hey guys, I've been extremely inactive lately due to sudden things happening. I have to quit the servers for a bit. I can't find the time to juggle the stuff that I have to do in real life and on Xenogamers. I'll let you guys take my mod powers etc etc. I just wanted to let you guys know I'm sorry that I have to do this. It's for the best. I love you all and I hope you guys improve more over time. It's been great serving in this community and I hope to be back soon but "when" is the real question.


    I'll miss you all. I'll be on the forums from time to time if anyone needs me.



  11. My proof: Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting


    Also chat logs



    [xG:M] Chickenlips: For someone who just got banned and kicked out you have a real nack for still talking shit.

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: Keep it up and you'll be out of the clan again.

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: Simple as that.

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: You were camping, accept it.

    x(`-')g Sakurai: i didnt get banned from the clan

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: And shut the fuck up.

    x(`-')g Sakurai: and i wasnt camping

    x(`-')g Sakurai: get powers and become a fucking dickhead how typical

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: How

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: I slayed you for camping and you bitched at me

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: why should I be niced to you

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: lmfao

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: nice*

    x(`-')g Sakurai: I STOPED FOR 5 seconds

    x(`-')g Sakurai: read the rules

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: where in the rules does it say

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: i just read last ct

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: it only says when camping

    x(`-')g Sakurai: go on the website

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: you retarded fuck

    x(`-')g Sakurai: lol

    x(`-')g Sakurai: fuck you faggot

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: you'd think you'd be sucking up to everyone after being such a fuck up as a mod

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: and after getting kicked

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: smh

    x(`-')g Sakurai: getting kicked from what

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: oh my bad bro

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: i mean you left

    [xG:M] Chickenlips: sorryyyy

    x(`-')g Sakurai: damn right :)

    x(`-')g Sakurai: <3

    x(`-')g Sakurai: i wouldnt let you mother fuckers have the satisfaction :3

    x(`-')g Sakurai: *hug* bro hug man

    x(`-')g Sakurai: let it go

    x(`-')g Sakurai: <3

    x(`-')g Sakurai: sorry about blowing up before

    x(`-')g Sakurai: boom


    I wasn't really being mature in my situation either, but regardless he's disrespectful and we don't need him in the server. (I thought he was kicked but remembered he left) I also thought he was back in the clan considering his name.


    I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he got banned that he would change and not be a dickhead.. Apparently not. Everyone knows how this guy acts, I doubt anyone likes it.

  12. Move to music section pl0x


    I don't see why it matters if it's in random. Random is for random stuff, music, anything etc etc. Duckii Jr posts his messed up videos I don't see the harm in posting music in random even if there is a music thread.