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Posts posted by Chickenlips

  1. 1. I'm 5'7, 130 lbs.


    2. Average in school 85-90s.


    3. Favorite animals are dogs.


    4. I move a lot, just can't seem to find our place. Lived all over Canada, lived in the USA for three years.


    5. My last girlfriend is a dyke bitch.

  2. hi welcome to the community im chickenlips your friendly neighborhood friend..


    as a token of my gratitude of you coming to our servers and forums here is your own complimentary honey badger




  3. So is that why your always on the losing team?


    Good one bro, that's why you're always at the bottom of the scoreboard. I can't even hear you man, every single game you're on my team I can't hear you bro. lololol get some skill bro, you play on esea I'd expect you to be better than you are.


    Anyway, I'm done arguing with you. Only reason why I dislike is because you're ignorant and cocky. This is over though.

  4. Well when people start talking shit and saying I suck, they should back up their statement and 1 v 1 because if they're worst than the player they talking shit about it, they have no right to say it in the first place. Doesn't make me a a try hard.


    This isn't Call of Duty bro, this is an actual game that requires skill. 1v1 proves nothing at all. CS:S is a team based game, winning a 1v1 doesn't mean anything..

  5. It has relevance to this situation because it shows how mature you are.


    Not really. Good try though. It's just something I say, I've been saying it for like 4 years, I use it out of it's actual meaning. I don't say it because I think you're all kids, most of you are older than me, it's just something I say. Has nothing to do with maturity. Stop posting.

  6. I've noticed you referred to others and myself in game as kid, yet I'm 19 years old and you're only 15? Give me a break.


    It's just something that I say.. "okay kid" it's not meant to be like "okay kid you're younger than me bla bla".. I don't see why that has any relevance to the situation though.

  7. You get mad at every little thing and throw a tantrum if things don't go your way. I said you take the game TOO serious. You don't like to have fun and I fear that if you were given moderator, you won't even joke around a bit if things were just a joke.


    I don't even take it too seriously though.. Yeah I get mad, but I get mad over stupid shit like someone freekilling me or something in the range of that. Or something REALLY stupid like a tarp or something that just ticks me off. I may come off as blunt and mad but it's just the way I am. I can't change it.


    Given moderator I shouldn't joke around as much as I do, you act like I never joke around and I'm just straight-faced serious. Moderators shouldn't joke around 24/7, they should have fun while doing their job and I can do that. You don't even know what you're talking about.

  8. -1, Chickenlips takes things beyond too seriously in game, which should be considered "Just a game" He does not deserve to have mod powers.


    Wouldn't taking the game seriously be something that a mod should have? I don't even take it seriously. I'm just a competitive person and like playing games. -shrugs-

  9. Police have nothing to do with this kind of stuff.. All they can do is enforce it if they pass which is their job to enforce rules. I hate how people hate police officers for doing their jobs. I know some police officers are assholes and pricks and all that shit etc etc, but if you take away the corrupt retarded cops, the other ones are just doing their jobs.