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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Anyone who doesn't torrent, borrow, or wait for the price to drop/sale is a retard.

    There, I said it. People that buy games at $60 are only feeding the system and the prices will keep going up if you agree to their demands.

  2. I asked /tv/ and they have the general consensus that it's the typical "mainstream dumbed down" film with no real complexity. But hey, what did I expect from a superhero movie?


    But but hey hey, I did enjoy the Dark Knight. It was too long and nonsensical in some parts, but I guess it was ok. Not even in the same league as Taxi Driver or A Clockwork Orange, but still ok.


    All in all I might see it with some friends even though /tv/ told me everything about it (spoilers and such)

  3. Nope. Fuck this. Fuck you. I've had to kick/ban her multiple for times for using her mic. I gave her FAIR WARNINGS and she continued to be belligerant. She doesn't get it and she needs to grow up physically (annoying ass voice) and attitude-wise.


    Also, fuck some of you. You know you have a crush on her. What the fuck, she's 11. You pedos can't socialize with people in your own age group?

    [/troll] lol got you fags

  4. So been a little over a month since police came to my door because I cut myself and was going to OD..



    1. Why would you do these things?

    2. Why wouldn't you do a non shit tier method of an hero? Hanging, firearm, easy-to-get poisons, ricin, oleander, trains, jumping, etc. (DO NOT TRY THESE THINGS THOUGH)

    3. Why did the cops come? What did they do? Were you institutionalized?

    4. You do realize that you posted this to the public and therefore are calling attention to yourself, and can't pull the whole "I don't wanna talk about it" card?