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Everything posted by JustinBieber

  1. you guys treat him like ****. I mean really. Grow up.
  2. Sigh. You guys rage if I make one ill comment in your direction, soirian just plays, gets banned for silly screw ups and then mocked in every post. You guys are a bunch of raging hypocrites. You have to realize he only does it because you provoke him.
  3. Lol haters gonna hate
  4. For the record, there is no such thing as an scramblers.
  5. Lol, people are just jelly of our swag
  6. If I had a dollar for everyone person who hated me here, I'd be rich
  7. Don't let the haters get to you holmes
  8. There are multiple people saying you were well warned majorb, why don't you chill and stop playing the victim card. The one I see acting wrong in this situation is you, you let a tiny incident get to you and now you're posting all about it. Grow up bro.
  9. Personally I find it cute when a group of friends / players Try to gang up on one person, how about you be more specific, post proof or kindly make like a tree and stfu.
  10. Lol, 2 players act childish, an admin responds, it's considered abuse? act your age and I can't see this being a problem? Drank is an active player and admin and I have never once had any problem with him, he keeps his cool and is a laid back guy even o the occasions when I act like a **** to him. -1
  11. JustinBieber


    I knew from the beginning he would be a bit of trouble, he's a good kid with a good heart, just I could believe every story here easily. +1 :/
  12. Because I saw the way he acted bro. He acted wrongly to people who cared. I wouldn't of had any problem had it been at least heartfelt. :/
  13. Have a safe trip man and I've heard texas girls are quite fine, enjoy.
  14. You're* it's YOU'RE an idiot. If you insult me at least use proper grammar QT<3 Oh, No. They obviously gave 2 shits more then I did, They miss the guy who was their friend. That's why they got mad, because I didn't wish a respected member of this clan a farewell. Meaning everyone here must be an idiot in your eyes right? Learn a valid argument. Oh, and I do apologize Snoopy, I shouldn't of called you a ****** for leaving that was rude and immature. But the way you handled things wasn't the best either.
  15. You know bro, i'm down for this. +1
  16. Oh really? Have I not called every single thing that happened? People left and then rejoined, just like I knew they would. He literally left, then tried to rejoin using the reason of "Well you guys have more people for me to admin, so yeah I'm back" Yeah, that shows that he really cares right guys? Right? Then he decides Oh yeah, I'm leaving. That was me making an application but you know I decided Nah I don't want you guys! And me, being me I called him out. Sorry that me calling him someone who doesn't give a **** about us a ******. ---------- Post added at 02:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 PM ---------- Sir, you're just jelly of my JB Swag. Move on with your life. ---------- Post added at 02:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 PM ---------- I wouldn't care nearly as much had your goodbye or rejoining been half decent. Instead it seemed like you put in a half assed effort both times, then decided even though we were gracious enough to let you in, you pretty much punched us in the face posting this ****. That's not me being an *******, that's me being honest.
  17. Because his goodbye showed his immaturity. I can state my opinion.
  18. Justin $10.00 Jul 30th Doing my part
  19. [MEDIA=pastebin]1X3W0iq0[/MEDIA] Follow this if you have an ipad, itouch and want to help. Keep in mind email you use to login must be the same as the one you use for paypal. Also keep in mind if you dont have a verified or lifted paypal, make a canadian one using a basic info generator.
  20. lolfaggot, why don't you leave.