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Everything posted by JustinBieber

  1. Because Aegan is quitting computers forever and doesn't have a cell phone.
  2. Because his main argument was Aegan leaving and Silence not caring. I'm pretty sure this has opened Silence's eyes a tad. and Aegan isn't dead. He's just going to step down.
  3. Hi Penguin, I thought you quit. How about you just remove this stay around and talk to Aegan on steam occasionally. That sounds like the more intelligent decision.
  4. Sh. Sh. It's using the sites valuable bandwidth!
  5. It's cool to hop on the bandwagon bro. Then you can claim that everything is wrong but in reality nothing much is happening.
  6. Although it happened I feel that this incident and reporting is relatively silly. Almost all Cts were participating, and aiming at the T's. Any T that tried to leave the other cts shot. He only slayed so we could move on with the game.
  7. +1. Active and a chill guy.
  8. Everytime I join the scrim server then join the PB server, I have to re download everything. Can we fix this?
  9. JustinBieber

    Prop hunt

    I helped run a pretty decent TTT server back in the days.
  10. The team I played last night was doing it, it kind of depends on the team but in most cases is frowned upon D:
  11. Gosh, someone was quite a successful troll.
  12. Hi Guys, JB here just going to let you know the proper etiquette of scrimming, the rules, and what is expected. First off, Have 5 prepared prior. Don't get a scrim then start trying to grab people. It's viewed as rude and will get you disliked from the very beginning. 2. Don't call hacks, there is nothing more 'noobish' then calling another player a hacker because he got a headshot on you midscrim. 3. It's okay to compliment but don't fill up chat with useless bullsh*t. 4. You can't spectate mid game unless in sourcetv. Unless it's an innerclan scrim, every scrim is treated like a tournament match. 5. Use the K teamchat for all your useless whining once you die, nobody wants to hear a bunch of whining while they're trying to focus 6. Always be in teamspeak while scrimming 7. Always listen to calls, don't go and trying to be a "Pro" and do your own thing. 8. Don't spec and rejoin for cash. This kind of goes with 4, but I put it just to be safe. There is more to be added to this but for now I will leave it at the very basics, if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask
  13. When I play JB, I notice that although there are quite a few map choices, we play the same 5-7 maps. Is there anyway we can adda bit variety perhaps change the number 1 map each round?(people just spam 1)
  14. I'm not trolling about joining, I definitely love a good troll but I won't participate in them if you don't want me to. actually I'm not even a troll. I'm just a guy with a good sense of humor.
  15. What's your steam, I'll sing you a song.
  16. Member Name: JustinBieber In-Game Name: Justin Bieber Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35154157 Age: 17 Game Time: 4 years Helpful Skills: communication. I'm a pro at it. btw I'm a pretty decent scrimma.