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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. So yeah hi guys. It's Xepher (oldfags here knows me as Pyro or the original furry on here)

    xG popped in my mind so I figured to say hi to you guys :)

    What I've been doing lately is trying to get a new computer since the one I have is crap, got a new job so no more working at Chuck E Cheese rofl, been traveling around going to cons dressing up as an animul & drank.


    The website looks nice though =o


    Soooo yeah, do all of yall still do JB? orrr what? lol

  2. Hi pyro and no i heard my nigga Carissmi(fuck i forgot how he spelled it >:() started furry freeday ;3 @@Chrono does them in ur name i do mine in his and new fags do it cause we do <3


    Nigga me & him first made it together. Speaking of which I miss talking to him as well along with all of ya'll <333 & Yay thanks Chrono <333

  3. It's been a loooooooonnnnngggggg time. How have you been?


    So yeah, if you guys don't remember me, look at the icon. If it still doesn't ring any bells, it's Pyro =3 Changed my name to Xepher. (You can still call me Pyro :) )


    For those who never heard of me let me give you a quick run-down of my history here.


    I'm an oldfag here, joined couple years ago, became a mod, did my job, became admin, did more shit, became a Div leader. Created furry freedays (only oldfags will get this) Xepher got a job, left because of no time.


    So yeah hi guys what have I missed lately?

  4. I mean c'mon? He threatened every single one of you with that list, and you guys are just 'buddy buddy' with him now..? And you want him back in the community? Lol seriously..?


    It's called "white knights" They'll protect their "friend" no matter what the fuck they did. They can go on a RL murder spree and then say "Oh he'll never hurt a fly"


    I'm just saying that if McNeo truly get's unbanned for all what happened. Might as well unban everyone cause that just throws out everything you have in the rules. No offense, but that's one of the reasons I left because we were too easy on people because we thought people can "change" some can, some don't. For those who didn't it took us, 2, 3,5, 60 chances to go "Oh wait, they never changed. DURR"

  5. well tbh "hacking" is ment to be a permban but it never goes thru l


    I said it once, and I'll say it again. There is no such thing as a permaban on xG


    Massfreekilled on the serve? Just say it was your brother


    Threatened to DDOS everyone? Just say you were drunk


    Giant asshole to everyone? Say you have life issues


    And you'll be unbanned in no time




  6. Even though I may not be a xG member anymore I'll throw my two cents in


    If the real reason for this was due to "personal RL problems" Shouldn't you step away from the computer in case you do some stupid bullshit like this?


    Also threating to DDOS is a huge thing and nothing to be joked about, that alone should be permaban right there.

  7. So impeach the guy who is giving xG $350 a month out of his own pocket to keep the servers running? I that. I think Jihad should be the 1 to have to do that dont you think? Because i mean paying that much for something that he doesnt even make money off of is reason to try to impeach them after you become butt hurt when they abuse.


    Stop being butt hurt.



  8. Well there are the good people in xG you know who you are


    And then there are the fucking piece of shit faggots who are cock head in general

    you know who the fuck you are...


    These people who are fucking dick heads have too much power. And that means corruption, its not going to be too long before xG is all fucked up and either it will be deserted or just full of dick heads

    like I said you know who you fucking are.


    So I am leaving xG call it rage quitting call it whatever the fuck you want, or just call me smart and maybe even join me.


    4 hours later


    ok i am not leaving for ever maybe i just want a break or somethin...


    Boy that was fast