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Posts posted by Buckethead

  1. Certainly!


    News Article: Valve employee handbook leaks, read it here


    PDF handbook: http://newcdn.flamehaus.com/Valve_Handbook_LowRes.pdf


    It's on page 56.


    Contents of the page:


    VA L V E : H A N D B O O K F O R N E W E M P L O Y E ES

    – 56 –

    Greg Coomer—The only person who cares or remembers that somebody

    once might have said we’d move to Seattle.

    Knives—That which one can never own enough of. A vast collection of

    them is in no way a Freudian compensation.

    Manager—The kind of people we don’t have any of. So if you see one, tell

    somebody, because it’s probably the ghost of whoever was in this building

    before us. Whatever you do, don’t let him give you a presentation on

    paradigms in spectral proactivity.

    Mann Co.—Maker of square, unsafe products for men that occasionally

    catch on fire, and more occasionally, work as advertised. Owned and

    operated by Saxton Hale (see Australia).

    Parking Garage Elevators—Autonomous hostage-taking devices with a will

    of their own. Beware.

    Playtesting—What we do early and often. And loudly, if Karen is the tester.

    Ponies—The animals most beloved by those away from their computers,

    and most despised by people who prefer to hear jokes just once.

    Scorpions, Poison, Queen—Repeated exposure to our bathrooms’ Pavlovian rock block soundtrack will ensure that you’ll never be able to relieve

    yourself again unless someone hums “Rock You like a Hurricane.”

    Shitty Wizard—Person responsible for all Dota 2 bugs. Aka Finol.

    Talk Alias—Marc Laidlaw’s internal blog.

    (Un)weighted Companion Pillow—The thing Erik Wolpaw carries around

    with him and covers his mouth with after others have sat on it.

    Valve Activities—You will learn to love blacksmithing.

    Josh Weier—Variously pronounced “Josh Weere,” “Josh Wire,” “Josh

    Woe-Rue,” “Josh wuhh…[trailing off],” and “Josh Joshington” by those of us

    who stopped caring. They’re all equally valid!

    WFH—Working From Home. What to do if a single snowflake falls out of

    the sky


    The entire handbook seems to be very well written using humor and graphics design that I'd expect from Valve. Seems legitimate to me.

  2. So, the Valve employee handbook for 2012 got leaked.

    At the end there's a small glossary and one of the lines is:


    Ponies—The animals most beloved by those away from their computers,

    and most despised by people who prefer to hear jokes just once.


    I thought this was awesome, since Gabe is also a brony.

  3. I've seen some people have a little Xbox 360 icon on their profile thing in forum posts



    (like over there)



    and everyone can mouse over it to see their gamertag on XBL.

    I didn't see this anywhere in profile settings, so I was wondering how I could do that too? :o

  4. Here's me and my many strange haircuts, newest to oldest:


    Me currently



    Me a couple months ago with my girlfriend :P



    October 2011



    Me in the summer 2011



    November 2010



    August 2010:


  5. I have the mono-green Phyrexia infect event deck, a blue-black zombie undying gravepower deck, and am building a green/red aggressive deck for my Huntmaster of the Fells :P IRL stuffs..

  6. Any xG bros that play Magic either on Steam or with real cards?

    I myself play with a group of people at my High School and we meet for FNM at school every week.

    Just wanted to see if anyone else is a super geek like me :P

  7. you haven't been part of xG all that long, a little more experience goes a long way.


    First time I applied I was 2 months on xG and was told the same thing. I waited a month after that for Aegean to give his final say "Just a bit longer, come back in a month". It's been that long -_- It's been a bit irritating :/ Like Amazon shipping. "Oh we promised it by then, but just wait longer *waits longer* oh wait longer again". Not raging towards you, it's just that it seems like everyone's telling me that now.

  8. Hello, my xG brethren, bros, bronies, sisters, and players alike! :D


    I'm horrible at writing forum posts, but *deep breath* *mario voice* HERE WE GO!

    I've been with xG for over 8 months (according to my forum account), at least 4 active and I'm just getting back into things, trying to be as active as I can again.

    I've read the rules since my return to activity and try my best to follow the rules.

    I don't rage very much over dying, I might just laugh and move on. If I do rage in text chat, I'm just screwing around :P

    I absolutely hate freekilling and feel like a real douche canoe when I do so. When I learn that I've freekilled, I try

    to gather all of the information, apologize and take action in slaying myself when necessary.

    I'm not the greatest warden, but I think mods are more useful when sitting back observing the situation like a human security camera :P I could be like someone's third eye!

    I'm not going to go on a spiel about why you shouldn't hate bronies, this isn't the place for that, so let's put it aside :3

    If I've pissed you off in the past or at some point, I'm sorry and feel really bad that I made you feel bad.

    I believe I could be a great addition to the moderating crew of Xenogamers and I hope you feel the same :)

    I'm trying to start fresh and make friends here.

    I hope my grammar Nazism didn't bore you to death :P

    If I become mod I shall love and tolerate the shit out of all of you... I mean... if that.. um... is ok with you guys.



  9. I'm back, everypony! :D


    For the many of you who may not know me, I'm Fluttershy the Tree, previously known as Bucketheadtwo.

    I recently went on a huge hiatus waiting to build my new computer (which is currently awesome) until I could play games at a better quality and have a better connection online. With my own new computer, I can play more often and play better, faster, and in sexier quality :P I can't wait to meet all of you new ponies and chill with old ones!

    Love and Tolerance :3


    ~Fluttershy the Tree