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Posts posted by JimenyCrickets

  1. I see now why the holocaust happened


    Pretty much, except instead of the Jewish people being exterminated for no reason other than them being born Jewish,

    we are persecuting annoying immature people who nobody likes.




  2. HAVE YOU BEEN ON THE SERVERS AT ALL!? OR EVEN LOOKED AT ALL THE GOODBYE's!!!! Most people have been leaving because of so much disrespect!


    Can anyone explain why people leaving is a bad thing? ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE NEW PEOPLE?


    Honestly, its very easy to join the clan and a lot of the people who join really don't fit in well. What happens then? They get disrespected and leave.


    This is a GOOD THING, they are like try-outs that last 24/7 so we can ensure that everyone who hangs out in the server is cool, and if they aren't they can either SUCK IT UP or GTFO.


    I don't really know who is getting disrespected and I don't care to check up on it; all I know is that if you are getting disrespected on the servers, you probably fucking deserve it and we SHOULDN'T ACCOMMODATE for these people THAT NOBODY LIKES.


    It doesn't make sense.

  3. Haha this reminds me of when I was in middle school and the guidance counselor forced me and my friends to let the nerds sit with us during lunch so they wouldn't feel left out anymore.


    Equal rights is equal rights though; I'm going to enjoy banning people for disrespect and reporting them to the forums. We have enough members already without letting in more immature self entitled brats who only care about sucking up so that they can get mod.

  4. Long story short, I was affected by the perma ct ban and thought maybe if I permabanned myself from ct again it would fix it. But instead of teambanning myself, I server banned myself (permanently).


    Would someone mind unbanning me? Thanks

  5. Does anyone play this? I'm downloading it now; from what I've read about it, it's pretty much the Walking Dead set in a semi MMOFPS world that begs the question:


    In the event of a zombie apocalypse, who is more dangerous?




    Or humans?


    Will update when I have a better sense of what its about.


    For now, a trailer of what you can expect.



  6. Feel free to remove my powers. I'll most likely be around in game still.


    I just don't like being disrespected by a community that I've tried to help. You guys that have posted so far are all good, it's not you guys.


    Haters gonna hate; always.


    I was looking at your mod request posts and skimming through your recent activity to find evidence of people flaming you, I didn't find anything but this sort of thing is what happens when someone is becoming too valuable of an asset to the community; other people notice and get jealous since they want the "prestige" and "privilege" of being a moderator and they think that by shitting on you, it will eventually increase their chances.


    This is exactly what happened to me.


    If you look at my earlier posts, I got flamed to shit because of my attitude and actions; if I let that shit get to me back then I wouldn't have made it this far as an admin or as a respected member of the community.


    Honestly, quitting now is such a bitch move that I cannot even begin to comprehend your intent especially having read how the co-leaders and the div leaders have pretty much lauded you as the next best thing for this community.


    Do what you like man, but if you quit when the going gets tough then you won't make it very far in anything you try, especially when you let a bunch of 14 year olds get to you.


    Stay, and make a difference.

  7. Haha nice video editing. I love how they do that action replay of "cock sucking faggot" but by my own admission I don't think I actually sound like Joe Swanson lol. Cool video though; I like watching this shit because it reminds me why I play the game, to have fun and make sure that everyone else is having a good time. If my voice makes CS:S more enjoyable for you guys then I am doing my job right.

  8. CTs are allowed to look for rebels, do not slay them before asking them what they are doing if you are really that confused. If you see them jumping around in disco and everyone is in soccer, slay them.

  9. I have noticed that we have only about 2 or 3 active admins on JailBreak. I would like the Divs/Cos to talk to the inactive ones to get them more active. We need an admin to make vote to settle disputes. This is just a simple reminder to certain people to be more active.


    Why exactly do we need admins to make votes? To "settle disputes"? In the history of my time with xG, having spanned more than half a year, there has never ONCE been a vote necessary to solve problems between, what I'm gathering, two immature moderators. Just resolve these issues like mature people.


    I understand you saying that Admins need to be more active because they cast the ultimate judgement in lieu of DIVs and COs, but you make them seem like by not casting votes, they are not fulfilling their duties.


    Anyways, this problem will resolve itself within a few weeks, after my 3 team projects, 2 essays, and finals week is over.


    Good luck to everyone out there. Straight A's or bust.

  10. We need new maps.


    We should probably just replace every single one there is on the server, since we only play on the same ones and we do the same shit every single time.


    Smoker's Warden Rotation:

    1st Round: Trivia

    2nd Round: Impossible Jump

    3rd Round: No Balls

    4th Round: Soccer

    5th Round: Random Knife Fight Challenge

    6th Round: Intentionally Place T's in an area nea

  11. Random Dude: I call warden

    Smoker: I call warden (1 second later)

    Smoker: That was a close one. Let me ask everyone, "Who got warden first?"

    Everyone: Smoker got it.

    Somebody, every time: Smoker do you use your dick to unclog the toilet?

    Smoker: I thought so. And, no I don't.

  12. yea $moker, i was playing jailbreak and you decided to do trivia. before you said the question, you flashbanged me and then i couldnt see the question. what the fuck is that?


    are you kidding me? its called "FLASH BANG" trivia. thats the point of the game

  13. 1. odd future is the worst music ever, full of talentless rappers and all they talk about is murdering women, jerkin off, and other stupid shit. i definitely took it a little too far with my word choice, but I expected you to defend your interests, not to immediately cry about it and threaten me.


    Lol its one thing to disrespect someone based on their race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. but everyone makes fun of everyone for their taste in music.


    once again, i didn't expect you to IMMEDIATELY cry about it as if you are unable to stick up for yourself.


    2. you threatened me 3 times that you were gonna get my admin removed.

  14. Maybe its because I joined the server ~4 months after you Poncher but the "tight knit group" of people was never anything I really wanted to join.


    Additionally, it might just be my nature to look for friendship elsewhere, but all I really want from xG is a fun atmosphere.


    I don't deny that there was a friendship aspect to it, but maybe I was blind to the REAL community since all that I saw were people who banded together under the guise of silly shared interests. And people would be accepted in and out of the fold with seemingly lackadaisical ease as long as they said things like 'HAI GAIS!' or 'BAI BAI :3' or talked about how much they LOVE some off-kilter interest.


    Since doing stuff like that directly contradicts my moral code I never tried to join in and they never accepted me; but that is a moot issue since I don't make friends with people like that, not on the internet and especially not in real life.


    Why are we all here?


    That's the most important question because to people who value e-friendship more than gaming, xG might very well be going down hill.


    But to people still on the edge of opinion, ask yourself


    Am I really here to make friends?


    xG hasn't gone downhill in my book because at the core, everything is the same as it has been since the day I found the server.


    What we have is:

    1. A gaming establishment that enforces a strict set of rules to play by

    2. A continually growing and changing community of players who learn to follow these rules or get banned


    Honestly, if the only people that played the server were the same people I played with on Day 1, I would have left long ago.


    Although there are definitely cool people that play on the server who know how to have fun and not take things too seriously, by nature I hate commitment and regularity. The things that appeal to me the most are random, fast paced events that require quick reflexes and fast thinking; a constantly evolving metagame that is impossible to develop without a decent rate of turnover.


    It works out perfectly for me too, we have people who come here and play the game just to play the game, we have a ton of Boss rebellers and a Strict warden, and I get pleasure out of doing a good job and winning rounds no matter which team I'm on.


    I'm not gonna lie and say I don't want people to like me; but that isn't the focus. The focus is on jailbreak itself; establishing order and dominance as a CT, or creating havoc and disobedience as a T.


    As long as the core gaming fundamentals of Jailbreak never change, I don't see xG going downhill any time soon.

  15. -1. For those of you who haven't been in the clan long enough to remember this guy, he would constantly impersonate Co-Leaders/Div leaders/Admins/Moderators.


    We would tell him to take off the tags and he would just go to another server with the same tags on. Or he would take them off, and as soon as you leave he would put them back on.


    Very irrational and disrespectful behavior, and I doubt anything has changed aside from people forgetting who he is. Many moderators+ have had issues with him, and I would strongly suggest against voting him in.

  16. Umm not sure if you know this Angreh but your screen shot has a pick of Brock calling smoker a pussy :/.


    +0 for now until I know the full story of why you called him this and also to see some improvement on your behavior because I didn't like it on Jailbreak this morning/afternoon. But hey at least it's not a -1 am I right? Hope you understand.


    HAaha just for anyone who read this; Brock was joking about it since I was challenging the Terrorist to see who had the balls to kjnife fight the greatest knife fighter this server has ever seen.


    +1 for a decent JB player; I haven't had any problems with him yet and he seems willing to have fun and not take himself too seriously, which is always a plus.