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Posts posted by JimenyCrickets

  1. i have spring break every week, only have class mondays and wednesdays


    That's what makes college so awesome; proper class scheduling and I only have class 3 days of the week. That's a 4 day long weekend from Thursday - Monday, every week.

  2. If I was a SMART troll, I would just get myself banned and then buy another copy of CS:S for the $5 it costs me to buy it on steam.


    I could do this 4 total times for a total of 4 un-bans. Or I could "BUY" an un-ban from the server for $20 1 time, but I probably wouldn't because that's a waste of money.


    I'm just saying, IF I was a SMART troll.

  3. I asked somebody to punch me in the face to "sober me up"


    I don't know why people do this; I've seen it happen numerous times but I really don't think it works as well as people think it does.


    some kid ... jumps up to high 5 some kid (this kid was drunk as fuck) and he falls back down and dislocated his knee.


    You don't get much more fail than that, but I do admit that sounds like it was pretty crazy

  4. In honor of the movie "Project X", I think we should all talk about the craziest (maybe greatest) parties we've ever ever been to.


    Just like in Project X, it was a house party that I threw with a couple friends from my highschool.


    My best friend's parents were going away for the weekend, and his place was perfect with a huge backyard and plenty of stocked up alcohol.


    We knew that word of mouth would spread like wildfire, and we were on the football team so we figured we would start off there.


    We had been setting up the party around 9 p.m. but mostly just our close friends showed up around 9:30-10 while we chilled and drank brews. More people kept on drifting in, 2-3 at a time, until we had ~50 people which was a decent sized party for high school freshman.


    Then the football team came; not just our friends, but the ENTIRE varsity football team came. Then the Basketball team. Then the Field Hockey team and the Girls Soccer team. Shit was just going crazy while we lined up shots, shotgunned beers, and smoked joints.


    The thing about my friends house is that it sits on the very corner of the neighborhood, right on the edge of the start of the college dorms.


    Everyone was in the backyard dancing, drinking, yelling and hollering around a huge campfire we started.


    Fights were breaking out and my most vividly reminiscent memory was this group of nerdy kids who tried sneaking into our party getting beaten up in a circle of football players, while me and my buddies were chilling on his porch overlooking the backyard, passing around a fat blunt and laughing our asses off.


    The coolest thing was that people from the entire neighborhood were joining us; college students were coming along to see what the commotion was and they were treated to a genuine block party. 20 year old's coming to chill with the high school students; we felt cooler than hell after that. More shotgunning and fraternity/sorority chants and our entire backyard swarming with people I'd never met in my life who came around just to enjoy our company.


    The night never seemed to let up, not that night or in my mind. I still remember it clearly as if I was there right now, young and filled with so much infinite potential and hope as I begun high school.

  5. +1. Honestly, I try to base these judgments purely from in-game experiences.


    In-game (Jailbreak is all I really play), Rexx has always been a really "cool" guy; he knows the rules, likes to joke around, and isn't really annoying. He might rage about certain things but I've always known him to be reasonable (to whatever degree that may be) in his accusations, which generally turn out to be true. That and people seem to like him.


    But out of game, you really act immature. I feel like you engage in a lot of attention seeking behavior which quite honestly, makes you look like an IRL loser. You leave, only to join back again, then you leave, and then make all this "drama" bullshit up. Honestly, I don't care what your problems are on the forums and if that's the sort of behavior you wish to engage in, that's fine since like I said, in-game I feel like you can contribute a lot to everyone's enjoyment.


    I'm just curious why someone really needs validation from a group of online people; do you seriously think these people ACTUALLY care about you?

  6. -1. I agree with what PapiChulo said 100%.


    Although I may catch a lot of flak on the forums for being very argumentative and straight to the point, which often comes off as hostile; the fact of the matter is nobody is going to leave the clan just because someone bitched them out on the forums.


    In-game, however, is an entirely different matter, and I am never known to rage in game. In fact, the opposite is commonly quoted, and I am, as members have pointed out "An asset to xG"


    How people are treated in-game is tantamount to xG's success as a clan; one could even call it our "life blood" in terms of recruitment (increased membership + donations). People come to play jailbreak in an environment where they can have fun and e-socialize with people in a fun setting.


    The fact that you are a negative impact in-game worries me greatly; acting in a hostile and argumentative manner online in such an important environment as in-game is destructive and regressive for the clan as a whole. What person of sound mind WILLINGLY joins a clan with members who have high tempers? Would you be even more inclined to join if that person was MODERATOR?


    I cannot in good faith EVER recommend someone who behaves in such a manner to be given greater responsibilities.


    The promise that you will cool off your temper AFTER you get mod is equally ludicrous. That's like a college admissions committee accepting a student with poor grades who promises to study hard AFTER he gets into Harvard.


    Work on your track record for now, give it a few months, and I will reconsider.


    For now, I -1.

  7. We need to come up with an idea for calling warden. I don't know what it is. But we need something.


    We don't need anything; the system works fine as it is.


    Most of the time, NOBODY steps up to be warden so I end up having to take up responsibility. Not that I mind, but it is kind of stupid when we have 10 CTs and I am the only one who is warden.


    If there is an Admin/Mod on, it is his responsibility to ensure that no warden-whoring occurs. If in the event a warden whore exists, the Admin/Mod delegates warden onto the next viable candidate.

  8. I have two questions.

    1) How tall are you?

    2) How strong are you? I measure this by lifts (Bench Press, Deadlift, etc.) but you can use another metric if you prefer.


    Embarrassing story:

    I was at a high school dance and I was kind of drunk when I went. I was grinding with this chick and she was going balls to the wall, hoodrat ghetto girl status. While we were getting crazy my mind kept on slipping to naughty thoughts and eventually I couldn't control it anymore and I blew my load. I didn't stick around to see what her reaction was but I quickly ran away to clean myself up.


    I told her when I came back that I drank too much and had to go to the bathroom. Me and her were cool after that but for the next 3 years she kept on bringing it up "Remember that time that you drank too much...?"

  9. Hey guys, I know I haven't really been online recently; mostly because this semester a bunch of my friends have convinced me to rush for their fraternity. These past few weeks have been filled with rush events and sorority mixers so I haven't been able to get quality video game time in.


    I went to their interviews yesterday, and I got a call last night.


    I recently got extended a bid, and I'm seriously thinking about accepting the bid.


    If I accept, I'll start pledging this coming Monday.


    My friends already told me a lot (not all) of what the process is going to entail; and I really don't think that I'll be able to put in as many hours as I usually do; especially since I'm gonna have to balance school, work, the gym, and fraternity pledging.


    Anyways; this is just to let you guys know why I won't be on for hours at a time anymore; don't fret!


    I still plan on helping out the server when I can, it just won't be as frequent as usual. Probably an hour MAX during the week, and a little more during the weekends.


    I hope everything is going well for the rest of you though!


    I'll see everyone online much more once the pledging process is over.


    Best of luck to all of you.



  10. ^^^ Look at the disrespect he has given to a moderator of this clan. Do we really want someone who disrespects everyone who doesn't agree with him?


    With all fairness, Duke started it by calling him a "smartass".


    As much as one shouldn't show a moderator disrespect, a moderator is held to a MUCH higher standard than that of an applying member and Duke should not have offended him like that.


    I award Duke no points, I award Mario my +1, and we will continue this discussion again shortly.

  11. Smoker: Drop it, you've been warned by higher-up's to act more mature about situations how many times?


    I'm sorry dude, you are right. I always get out of control and you always bring me back down when I get too disrespectful.


    I really appreciate it bro, I'm glad you always got my back at times like this.

  12. Smoker, I do not know why you are hating on me when I have not even really met you or anything. I have been playing JB for the past week with Duke, King J, Kermit, and OrangeJuice. Ask all of them. They will confirm that I have been playing with them because I've been telling Duke the people to kick, the afkers and such. I get on at night, and sometimes during the day, so please do not do that thank you. Oh and for the sarcastic part, o' totally I am enjoying this freakin' first week, it's like my first orgasm ever, omgomg.


    Oh and FYI, I'm also in the TF2 division aswell, and I play MC, so it's not just JB I'm on. Thanks for listening.


    So you are asking me to ask your "friends" to contradict you?

    That's like me asking them to snitch; of course they are going to defend you.


    The only thing I rely on is my own 2 eyes, and my 2 eyes tell me that I haven't seen you on all week. If you haven't been on all week, how can you know if Duckii hasn't been on all week?


    And its good that Duke takes your advice on moderating matters; I guess moderators can now rely on the expert opinion of players to determine who to kick. I'll keep that in mind!

  13. Um, do not talk about my activity with no basis to back it up. I get on the other servers that ducki hardly plays in all the time (for example when it used to be just Pub and not 24/7 dust, and ALL our tf2 servers I help populate all the time. She might play minigames or w.e more, but I populate tf2 all the time, I go on jailbreak every other day minimally when I get called down, and I even go on surf to deal with spammers / disrespect. I'm not +1ing or -1ing this, but yeah do not speak as if you know my activity, we don't only have 3 servers in CSS.


    LOL I didn't know that your feelings were so easily hurt; maybe if you looked at the whole argument instead of focusing only on an "attack on you", you would understand why I mentioned you. I used you as a primary example since you epitomize the idea of "In-Active In-Game/Active Outside of Game". I never see you on Jailbreak during the peak hours, but everyone knows how active you are forums and the point was to make a note of how that is equally important as logging in hours to CS:S


    "1) Duckii plays on the servers more actively than Aegean,"

    Probably because he's too busy moderating the website?


    So you are confirming what I just said?


    That's kind of funny; considering how eager you were to jump on Aegean's dick, you completely missed the point I was making. The point of the matter is, just because someone isn't active in-game doesn't mean they aren't active; all it means they aren't active in-game.

  14. I've not seen her on, not seen anything done by her really, so.. I kind of +1 just for her not being on since I've been here now.


    LOL. How have you liked xG since you joined 1 week ago? I'm really not quite sure you are qualified to speak on behalf of important discussions like this, and considering that I haven't see you on our JB server at all in the past week I'm not so sure you are qualified to criticize anyone on "activity" levels.


    I'm glad that she brought this point up though;


    it seems that a very common component of the argument against Duckii is the "activity" claim.


    Considering that I have seen Aegean on the JB server a grand total of 1 time ever since I joined back in August (6 months ago); shouldn't we kick Aegean on the grounds of inactivity too?


    Now, as much as I would LOVE to replace him as Co-Leader, the reason that this argument based on activity falls short is based on a number of factors:


    1) Duckii plays on the servers more actively than Aegean, and this doesn't mean that Aegean doesn't do a lot of work. By proxy, Duckii NOT playing on the servers does not make her unfit to be a Co-Leader


    2) Activity in the Jailbreak Server has absolutely nothing with Leading or Co-Leading; they do not need to be in the servers to moderate, that's why they appoint moderators and admins. Much of the actual work done by leaders is more of a managerial, broad over-sight sort of action. And I am certain that Aegean and Duckii work together whenever there is something of an importance greater than the common folk such as ourselves can handle.


    If we were truly to scrutinize based the the proposed criteria, we should definitely impeach Aegean on the same grounds: (activity, disrespect, tangible contribution).

    Note that I do not count "Forum Activity" as activity, since I view forum jockeying as the lowest form of participation considering that there is no display of skill beyond the ability to run spell check.

  15. Someone argued with me about the "Camping" during Last CT rule. He was running 10+ feet every 15 seconds in a circle.


    I slayed him for camping.


    He was very polite about it, but clearly said that he wasn't camping.


    We need to change the rule.


    EDIT: Last CT was out in the main cell area. The terrorist in question was jumping around in soccer.


    Also, if you can see a member of the rival team (CT sees a Terrorist) or (T sees a CT), it is not camping. Otherwise we could slay someone is shooting rebelling terrorists if they were stationary for 15 seconds.

  16. So how about we just add. "Do not SPAM the admin chat if you were freekilled but let the admin knows that you were freekilled and tell them the name of the freekiller and let them handle the rest" ?


    I feel like we already punish people for spamming; I really just want to drive the point home that we can not, and will not, rely upon accusations.


    The problem that I encounter is that so many people expect that if they AdminChat "_________ FREEKILLED ME", that they will be slayed immediately; this gets incredibly annoying when we go into spec and start investigating and then the same Terrorist spams admin chat until they get kicked. Sometimes when I say "We are watching him" to them, they say stuff like "WOW ADMINS DON'T GIVE A SHIT" or "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" which isn't outright disrespect; but needs to be deterred.


    We need greater allowed punishment for repeat admin chat spammers; because there is very little penalty for spammers as it is and we often get swamped by it since the offenders know that they will simply get kicked or gagged for a few minutes.