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Status Updates posted by FeelsBadMan

  1. When did you join? o:
  2. What does....a...chicken's nipples look like?
  3. Thats not weird
  4. I'm back silence. Can't play on your css servers or Tf2 but i'll try to get on gmod servers.
  5. Well my account on steam got hacked and they were hacking on it so thats why i can only play gmod :/
  6. http://xenogamers.org/images/Chris_Hansen_Says_Hi.gif
  7. [IMG]http://xenogamers.org/images/Chris_Hansen_Says_Hi.gif
  8. NOPE, it's Chuck Testa. Here with a life like polap account.
  9. Your epic just like other people that are epic
  10. Major B i forgot to ask but are you still in xG?
  11. NOPE, it was just me. Chuck Testa
  12. Yo duckii whats with all the Jr. crap here lately? I mean theres nothing wrong with it's just strange.
  13. no problem friend :)
  14. How is it going Aegean! ?
  15. Great but you should check the admin abuse thread about Korean
  16. Congrats on the admin btw
  17. Hmmmmmmm................... I'm not sure what to say, i will come back later. Goodbye! :)
  18. It looks like you're the new kid on the block. So hello. I'm the XG greeter.