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Friend of xG
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Status Updates posted by Nighty

  1. Are you from Russia? I'm from Russia, nice to meet you.
  2. Hey Silence! You're wierd!
  3. What game do u want to trade for the items?
  4. Nice new avatar :D
  5. i am on it you comin?
  6. Range You there?
  7. hello silence i am going to buy am minecraft server could it be XG? i am buying it for xG
  8. Ahh silence i found a bug in Minecraft server when you do it the server crashes.
  9. Thanks for adding /stats plugin to server! Cheers
  10. Silence is it possible just for me to send the money thru paypal?
  11. joegarry2002
  12. Can i use :N? in xG
  13. i applied look at it :)
  14. Can't i use the custom ammout to donate and when i have done that. Cant you just put me on imunity against high ping kicks?
  15. I dont want all that stuff i just want imunity can i get it for less
  16. How much do i need to donate to get imunity against high ping kicks? ADD me or pm me here i preferr add
  17. Nvm I talked to Silencer
  18. The hats. You remember?
  19. Aegean are you going to help me?