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Everything posted by carsN

  1. carsN


    I believe he's been put on probation before, so I think a demotion is the proper punishment.
  2. carsN


    This moderator mainly only uses his powers solely for his own good, as demonstrated here. He is not only a hypocrite, but with past events in consideration, also a homophobic troll, who in all honesty is breaking the mature voice to begin with. In all honesty, I wouldn't care about his voice if he wasn't a troll.
  3. Me from behind (green jacket), for all the ladies out there ;)
  4. I respect your decision, and I'll always love you Isaac <3. You're one my best friends nowadays, I suppose. You've always been a good guy and I've never really seen you being mean (unless I asked you to :p). Good luck. Oh, and damn reading that gave me a headache.
  5. carsN

    Soul Lacoste Bhop

    You don't play on RPG surf often, do you?
  6. carsN

    Soul Lacoste Bhop

    It's because my penis has a wart on it.
  7. carsN

    Soul Lacoste Bhop

    It's obvious you either script or have a mouse with hyperscrolling. Matrix isn't all that great, either.
  8. Yeah, that one new mod gave me a stern talking to.
  9. For one, I've already been punished for that and I also explained that hick isn't a racial slur. It's like saying redneck is racist (it's not). Also, we were calling you a dick and shit because you were being a dick. You said you were going to ban us (admin impersonation), and I believe you called it admin disrespect when we were making fun of you. Don't post the text chat part of an argument that was primarily on voice chat, without explaining your side of the story.
  10. You can't say that I start the fights though.
  11. >calls someone a moron >thinks 420 is an important number EDIT: 200th Post (I don't know why the p in post is capitalized, but whatever)
  12. Uh oh! i don't really care if you watch me
  13. It's funny because if you would have done your research, I actually rejoined and was accepted after that.
  14. As I explained over a day ago, mutes only last until the map changes. Also, the thread title begins with "Ban on Boxxy." Have you seen me being racist or disrespecting moderators since then?
  15. Trolling? You're trying to get me banned, I'm only pointing out what's wrong with this request. And you're also a complete hypocrite. You're calling me a troll, when moments ago you were mocking every word I said. You've been acting like a 5 year old. Whenever I would speak, you would say "yeah, yeah, yeah" over me.
  16. >sexist >racist Asking a girl a question is sexist? No. Get your shit down, bro. Also, here's a definition for harassment: noun /həˈrasm(ə)nt/  /ˈharəsm(ə)nt/  harassments, plural Aggressive pressure or intimidation All I did was ask one question, and then stopped speaking to her entirely, and you think that's harassment?
  17. Stop mocking me, yeah? Also, if you're aggravated, I have a nifty trick for you to try. Step 1. Press your Escape key (Esc). Step 2. Click on PLAYER LIST. Step 3. Select the person aggravating you. Step 4. Click on "mute in-game voice" (this button's function is self explanatory). Yeah?
  18. >few followers >only people raging are you and bullwharks
  19. Funniest part of this thread thus far.
  20. I was for some time. I'm not with bG anymore, the whole clan went downhill when I left.
  21. I've been with xG through good and bad, and because of recent events and some encouragement from Vero Jr. (Oats Mc Goats), I've decided to re-apply. Although I'm nice to most people, I admit I can sometimes be a bit rude when provoked or annoyed. I've been trying my best to be nice to everyone on the servers, and I've been doing a pretty good job in my opinion, although a few mods may disagree. I hope I'll be accepted and I can once again be a part of xG.
  22. Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff♥♥♥♥
  23. carsN


    I used to think Xavien was the coolest person I knew. As to why, I have no idea. He's a complete jerk and a troll, and he always goes unpunished. He's been warned and put on probation for similar stuff in the past, and still manages to ♥♥♥♥ up again. +1, he doesn't deserve his position, he needs to learn to deal with his so called "personal problems" outside of the internet . Also, since apparently you don't know, Xavien's already had a second chance. neteX got two chances, Xavien's had two.