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Everything posted by Mayeski

  1. Are you kidding? I was bringing it up because people still don't understand how hard it is sometimes for mods/admins. You're so ♥♥♥♥ing stupid and I'm tired of you. Also, who is mayesaki? Seriously.
  2. Do you guys not understand that we don't ignore admin chat messages? We try, a million times, we try. This whole ♥♥♥♥ing thread, guys. Question?
  3. Mayeski

    No life status

    >Implying you ever had a life.
  4. brb getting on teamspeak also, add me to this ♥♥♥♥. [ATTACH]1171.vB[/ATTACH]
  5. This made my ♥♥♥♥ing day, oh god.
  6. [ATTACH]1170.vB[/ATTACH] Welcome, enjoy your goats.
  7. First off, stop ganging up on him. He made the thread to bring out the problems he sees in xG, they are valid and you guys are stuck on grammar mistakes. Did you even read it? or are you just going to continue to be useless and argue? This wasn't meant to cause another sh-itstorm, like everything always turns into because you people start arguments. Way to prove his point. He has more balls than every one of you because he's actually speaking about what he cares about, and he cares about xG. If he didn't care about xG then he wouldn't make this thread. You guys aren't looking at the big picture, he's making valid points that he wants you guys to improve upon.
  8. Mayeski


    A good player, always wants me to come to surf to get rulebreakers<3 +1
  9. Mayeski


    I hate when ugly chicks think you're staring them because you took a glance at their ♥♥♥ because it says JUICY in big words.
  10. Mayeski


    inb4 ~closed -sealed away in the last great time war
  11. Mayeski


    You're not being treated like Hitler, stop whining already. You said something that the mass majority (everyone but you) disagrees with. Hitler caused a holocaust, you stuck your dick in a hornets nest.
  12. Mayeski


    Don't get mad at me, you ask for proof, and you get it. Nothing is made up here, lol.
  13. Mayeski


    Does this count? You kinda admitted it, can you read what you write?
  14. Mayeski


    Because you say things that are so ungodly retarded, have no proof to back yourself up, and just spout utter horseshit. Oh, and you can't read, clearly. You also think that you're better than everyone else.
  15. Mayeski


    Please learn to read: [ATTACH]1102.vB[/ATTACH]
  16. Mayeski


    Wat. No way, we don't do anything, right Trif and other mods? Right?! [ATTACH]1101.vB[/ATTACH]
  17. Mayeski


    But... we do check... when did we say we didn't? Learn to read, please. We TRY dude, but we can't ALWAYS slay someone just because he killed you. Like Trif said, we try to. So don't get mad at us for trying. In regards to saying we don't care about being mod, well, screw off because that makes absolutely no sense.
  18. Mayeski


    It frustrates me when people yell at us because we don't "do our jobs" when they don't realize that we are outnumbered, at most times, 50v1or2. No mod,admin,divleader,or coleader has eyes behind their head. We can't do anything if we don't see it, you say you can do better but you don't even understand that. No matter WHAT, we can't do it without proof. I don't care if 6 people are crying that they got freekilled, they could all be wrong.
  19. Mayeski


    Baiting CT's are godsend for a rebel, they always get what they deserve. :3
  20. I stick by my belief that this is not abuse. The server was almost full, 3 minutes past 0:00, with LOTS of angry people wanting to play. The round HAS to end. Colour was wasting time and making the whole server suffer because he wants to do his lr. I was getting tons complaints about this and I did what was right, it got the round over with. Colour is just mad he couldn't do his lr. Nobody else would react like you did, you're being extremely selfish right now.
  21. This WASN'T abuse. I didn't slay anyone, what I did was warn him because this round needed to end. Colour, are you so god damn dense that you can't realize that? Boohoo, it's not abuse because you made the round miserable for everyone but yourself.