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Everything posted by Mayeski

  1. Smoker, at least he tries something different and does some creative stuff.
  2. +1 for un-perm with a kick from xG with a long ban and probation. People have done worse and much more frequently.
  3. Mayeski

    I has a suggestion

    We need a suggestion forum for suggestions like this. +1
  4. Come back soon, we are all counting on you.
  5. Mayeski


    You guys are pathetic, stop giving women on the internet so much goddamn attention. I'll keep my vouch to a 0 because I haven't really seen you anywhere.
  6. In regards to every thread about Kelly or any other woman. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4VbOHvaPRc
  7. This is ♥♥♥♥in ridiculous. +1 Glenn Beck was a c.unt anyway.
  8. Mayeski


    +1, he definitely deserves it.
  9. It's up to you, not us. IMO you should stay, you shouldn't be ridiculed because you freekill because EVERYBODY has freekilled at one point.
  10. Well, you clearly can't take criticism calmly so my -1 stays. You always rage over stuff for no reason just because someone has an opinion. This doesn't sound like a month leave. Threatening to mass and flee if unbanned isn't a friendly way to say goodbye. That's my reason, deal with it and learn to take criticism.
  11. -1, tbh if he's already left once he's probably gonna do it again unless he says otherwise.
  12. This belongs in nothing. Stop giving girls unneeded attention on the internet.
  13. You stole my sig O:<
  14. This is embarrassing to read.
  15. This video is not for the faint of heart. It's real and it's not the first time it's happened to this child, just the first time it was caught on film. Yes, this video does make me sick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl9y3SIPt7o
  16. Mayeski

    Bomb win.

    I dunno, I think it's one of the things that happens when your bomb malfunctions and whoever you touch turns on fire. I dunno D:
  17. Mayeski

    Bomb win.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94lKUqMmM8Y&feature=channel_video_title Bomb malfunction caused everyone to die. :3
  18. Welcome, Trif has a rare disease called Gonoherpisyphyllaids Type B. Good GOD look at that chick's rack. God DAMN
  19. I usually pardon people as long as they aren't rushing at me, I don't like killing people unless they try and kill my ♥♥♥. Waiting through a whole round is a pain.
  20. Mayeski


    Member Name: Mayeski In-Game Name: xG| Ben Dover What game?: CSS Member: Yes Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37647015 Age: 17 Donated: No Other information: I've been on the servers since June, I love playing on the jb server the most but I would go anywhere fun is being had or I'm needed. I've had plenty of admin experience in the bG community for a year or two. I know the MoTD well and if accepted I believe I would let my experience as a mod show and do what's necessary to keep the servers a place to play on. I'm always on Steam after work and could respond whenever I'm needed. I can take criticism very well. If you guys give me a chance I promise that I won't disappoint.
  21. Mayeski


    +1 for everything said before, duhh.