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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Trente

  1. Trente


    Haha, no im the orange dude :D
  2. Trente


    I was in Miami Beach at that time, where i went to Lincoln road, which is a place you have to go on Halloween when you're in Miami, and then went on club Mansion :) Actually got this picture. It was really hard to see.....
  3. Did you leave the server after you freekilled?
  4. I'm sorry, but you have to wait more than a week before you have a chance to get unbanned. Repost in like 3 weeks.
  5. Tomorrow i will be going to Miami, where i will start on English language school on Monday, and i will be there for 6 weeks :) I will be living at campus, just beside the school. This will reduce my activity, but i will have my laptop with me and there is Wi-Fi on the campus, so it doesnt mean i wont be active! Im looking forward to see how it is to live, and go to school in the USA, even though you have some weird rules :P Im also really looking forward to be playing jb with a ping below 150 :P
  6. Knows rules, active on jailbreak, too easy to kill as terrorist.... +1
  7. +1. Know the rules, good warden, active on JB
  8. That is not what i mean. The only time you can server ban people for breaking server rules, is if they try to avoide a ct ban by leaving the server. That means all those bans should have been ctbans, not server bans. You should read the admin handbook :P
  9. Welcome to the forum! Good to finally see another danish fellow! :D
  10. Trente


    +1 Very active on CS:GO, and he is good at warden!
  11. If you look in the ban logs, Akio have actually made many wrongful bans, for baiting, freeshooting, freekilling without leaving and so on. Xeno Gamers
  12. +1 Know the rules, and is very active on CS:GO @@Starbuck
  13. Sorry to hear man, hope you will be back soon.
  14. It was overpowered and crashed the server, so Starbuck disabled it.
  15. Trente

    Happy Birthday!

    Congratz! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaJx-dpvN8Q
  16. What about the ratio? Can you do, so people only can join ct by typing !guard?
  17. When you ban or ctban people you cant make quotes. Therefore when you ban them, make it one word like ArmoryCamp, or something like that. I just noticed that many reasons for ban is just ' . Not sure if @@Starbuck has a solution to this.
  18. Its not like that. Its an option where the T gets a gun and more life, and then have to kill the rest of the cts. Just like last ct.
  19. This has been up before, and i cant remember why Silence doesnt like the idea. But yea, i +1.
  20. +1 We could use him in CS:GO, he know the rules and is good as warden.
  21. I change to a 0 Be a little more active on forum and i will +1.
  22. I quess this has been removed from CSS