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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by laith

  1. why would you shoot at it if a T is in your POV, field of view, crosshair range, etc., or just on the thing?

    I don't understand what you mean. What I understood from warden orders was shoot if they went on the carosel, I never shot at the carosel. I slayed myself in response to my mistake, because I didn't hear the warden...

  2. How do I always break the rules. I find that Shiro especially picks on me because he does not think I'm xG.

    This is harassment from Shiro, as he constantly yells at me to read the motd when I have not done anything. It's quite sad you'd post this, I never provoked anything, as when you guys poke fun, it seems I can't poke fun back.

    Also, thanks to all those who (somewhat) had my back, I appreciate it


    ---------- Post added at 06:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ----------


    So Mick here wants the T's to have fun and of course brings them to the playground, he then tells the T's to go on the merry-go-round and to start pushing forward. Of course the merry-go-round is move able so Mick here tells the CT's not to shoot it as it could potentially lead to the death of an innocent Terrorist. So then Laith here just decides to ruin the fun of these innocent people he shoots the merry-go-round and a T fell off of it. Then what does he do next? Well he shoots the T. And kills him.

    In response to this, I had not heard him say this, I appologized ans slayed myself. Sorry I'm not perfect

  3. Alright, thanks so much. I really don't care weather people believe me or not, I'm known to be quite honest. I don't lie or give bull. The only way I would ACTUALLY talk to the police is if I was given a detention.... I just don't want trouble... Thanks for your advice again

  4. Thanks for the advice, but I was already humiliated in front of the class. I already am made fun of constantly for being arab & muslim. However, this kid told his friend to be "witnesses" of me doing it. The teacher is some 30 year old jock who is pathetic as a AP class. But do you have any idea what it will cost to get a finger print done?

  5. Hey guys, sorry I have not been on too often but shit has gone down the drain. However it is starting to go back up. After my mother passed away I considered suicide but here I am. I just didn't do anything but sleep for 2 months. But I'm back and have been for about a month. I need a bit of advice....

    In my school we have some stupid iPad program where everyone is given an iPad. Jerks lock people's iPads all the time. However, in my AP U.S. History class, some kid locked another kid's iPad. When the kid went to snitch and the teacher asked who it was, the ass who did it blamed it on me.... I have no idea what to say or do... I am facing a 3HR detention which will surely go on my record and will diminish my chances of going to a good university. I really need some advice as what to do. Thanks ahead, laith

  6. If you didn't know, they have an app called forum runner that is supported by this forum. It's 3.99 but I jailbroke and got it free.... It is a nice way to browse this forum... I use it all the time

  7. Sorry bout the mass kilings in CS:S jailbreak. I let a friend play for 2 seconds, somehow he became a guard and mass killed. I got 20 hour CT ban. I deserve it, it's no big deal. Just came to claim responsibility.

  8. Hi guys, I have been gone for a span of a few months. A lot has happened, we got robbed, lost my mom, tore a ligament... I am happy to say I am back and will be back on teamspeak and the servers!