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Posts posted by laith

  1. Thanks a lot for the comments guys! They really help! I try do as much as I can to familiarize myself with others... I have to sleep now and I have school tomorrow, but I will get on as much as possible. I want to get to know the clan, I am hoping to be accepted!

  2. Hi guys, I was wondering how the acceptance goes for the gaming clan/club... I applied and am wondering who approves it, how long it takes, and the definitive answer. I appreciate you looking at this, thanks.

  3. Thanks a ton for the advice! I'll be sure to keep you in mind if I ever need advice, and I am very careful when I am a CT... I really hate the moment when I cannot tell if a T has a gun or not, Usually end up being shot, but its worth not taking the chance of freekilling... I am hoping to be accepted into the clan, and I am not some annoying 12 year old with a high voice, don't worry :)

    I'll do my best to help out and I will follow the rules. Thanks for replying

  4. Member Name: laith


    In-Game Name: laithlion12


    Steam ID: laithlion12


    Age: 15 (yes 1 year down, I am mature though)


    Game Time: CS:S not long, CS:Condition zero, very long. MC very long...


    Helpful Skills: I'm real good with computers, I like to meet people and get to know everyone. I am an amazing Minecraft player, but I don't like fancying myself... I play quite often and I am always ready to help a player/comrade in need. Although I am one year below the age limit, I hope you take my application into consideration.

  5. Nope, I don't remember you, although its great meeting you... I play PS3 also, but mine has an issue. I sold my old one over the summer and got the gamestop refurbished 500GB one and it has an issue, once I return it and get a new one, you should add me.

  6. Its great meeting you, I am on the CS:S server ATM, I will join the MC server soon... I am a legend on minecraft :)

    hello my name is outshined and im wanna of the best (not really but close) jb rebels in this community nice to to meet you

  7. Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is laith, I visited your counter strike server and loved it... I would love to be a part of the community here and get to know everyone. I hope I am accepted into the clan so I can help out as much as possible. I also play minecraft and TF2, I might visit those servers too! Reply here so I can get to know everyone, thanks.