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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by laith

  1. Thanks for the mention, it means a lot. It sucks to see you go, but everyone has their time I guess. You were one of the more down to earth people, glad I was able to get to know you. Good luck where ever life takes you, and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to contact me.




    I believe we're still friends on steam, what name is it again? I'll be on CS:S and TS, so we can chill bro. No need for best of lucks and shit, we'll still be friends :P

  2. i lol at what people who get angry at me say when they leave, every time.


    regardless, you had your ups and downs, goods and bads, when dayz was up when you were running it, it was fun to just chill with friends on it yoloing. back when dayz came out it was fun with our big 20+ group at one point yoloing in random servers.


    you had a few falls like when you got mod etc. and then a large inactivity time.




    Chrono, you used to be cool but I don't know what happened. You essentially started acting like you knew it all and were some god. While I do respect you still, I hope you aren't as arrogant.

  3. It's a shame to see you resign mate, I never personally got to know you (maybe I have, but have forgotten due to my stupidity) but I know you were a frequenter of the CS:S JailBreak server, at least back then. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours and hope to see you around every now and then on the Jailbreak server, not as a Member, but as a player. Peace


    - Dat guy, Forest


    I appreciate your kind words good sir. I've seen you around, but we never acquainted. I also wish you the best of luck too mate.

  4. I came here in late august of 2011 excited, I discovered JB. xG's server was the best, I enjoyed it! xG was a sweet clan too! Cool members, awesome server (almost always packed), and I got accepted fairly quickly. Fast forward to Late 2012; people leaving, trolling, etc. We had a good group of guys, and it's all gone. I'm sad I'm leaving, as I enjoyed most of my time here, despite the drama and stupidity.


    @@Gkoo you were awesome, keep doing what you're doing. I'll surely keep contact with you bro.


    @@Hidingmaster You were one of the coolest guys, one of the last left. Stay classy


    @@serbiansnaga Man I don't know where the clan would be without you, you're a good guy. Best of Luck


    @@Echo You were a good man, you were always there to defend those who needed it.


    @@Warriorsfury Grow a pair, quit sucking up


    @@Chrono quit acting like you're the shit


    @@PiNoYPsYcHo Straight up liar


    @@silence ....


    @@daddiodoug gg no re



    At this point, I don't care what most of you think or say, as 90% of my friends left xG. Best of luck to the clan, I'll be on JB every once in a while. I'll check to see how far down the drain the clan falls.



    Edit 1: I also forgot to mention you're treatment of Dukki JR was absurd. The way you harassed the kid was ridiculous. He was a nice guy. Sure he might have made mistakes early in his membership of xG, but what happened last month was uncalled for. You assholes who hopped on the rape train escalated an already bad problem. You only worsened the problem you claimed you were fighting for.




    @@DrPepperPhreak Stay a good mod, don't go abusing. You were pretty chill


    @Vector I've seen you on, you're pretty chill as well. Stay classy bro

  5. but I joined xG because of the RPG surf server and now that it has died like the rest of CSS community besides jb which is slowly getting there. I dont think being a member and staff has a point anymore because I became both of those because of surf and I only started playing jb to get to know more of you guys and I'm glad I did because alot you guys even though most already have left also but most of you guys are cool and I'll keep you added but unless I mention you I don't plan on keeping all you guys added but if I delete you and you still wanna be friends just re-add me.


    @@Forest you still need toke with me and @@DeathGod also @@DeathGod should be a Co-Leader by now

    @@Gkoo still owe me $5

    @@tree #purpgang4life

    @@PiNoYPsYcHo still the cutest member

    @TheLostCause keep these kids in check for me

    @@Warriorsfury stop being a little bitch

    @@Chrono is a jew but has a big cock

    @@Gawd had fun times with you bro

    @@orangejuice you're so weird but you're also funny as fuck and made jb fun

    @@ItsAaron fuck you because I'm Irish but keep doing you with your British swagness

    @@MegaRobin stop being such a try hard and go outside

    @@Hellafun13 please downs this

    @@DrPepperPhreak had fun times on tinychat while in-game still the hottest member

    @@Megan love you forever <3

    @@JayBreezy still down to get wasted on tinychat with you

    @@MineCrack I hope we are still cool its just somebody had to stick up for the kid publicly <3


    Anyone else I didn't mention we're cool but these people actually made xG worth it for me so I had a great time but its time to move on with life to put my time into the $80,000 student loan I have right now. So I'll still come on jb or TS when I have time but I got more important things in life right now. One Love, Peace homies


    Echo you've been a good guy. You stood up for those who needed it. Best of luck

  6. Cause you are not active at all and not taking care of the servers and wasting clan money.


    I was active at the time of the servers being up, considering we BROUGHT IN money, and I paid for the servers, how is clan money being wasted?

  7. Well, if you are going to do it, get good admins. You are representing xG here, don't just go around abusing and all that dumb shit. I also really don't see a point to having a DayZ server when there are already 6000 active servers. The last time we tried this, it didn't work out.


    Oh trust me man, it worked out. It was just someone decided to kill it

  8. Well if you pay I don't see why not. If it really does become empty like the last one an extra empty server alongside all of ours won't matter. Though it may be worth it just to wait for the standalone rumored to finally alpha in June.


    Our last one was NOT always empty. I suggest you had went to look and see, you'd find both our DayZ and Arma 3 server's were packed 2 weeks prior to them being shut down

  9. Why do you guys jump to conclusions so fast? This is the fucking issue with this clan. Idiots hop on a bandwagon of hate and don't stop. They obviously don't know the story. but still enjoy the ride.


    I didn't let 'another clan' advertise, and no we did NOT use scripts. We had the first two days of the server to finish plugins as we were testing out vehicles and other shit, that is the only time we used admin panel to spawn stuff in. And during the period of time the server was up, it had a decent amount of people on, you guys just didn't play it. We were never 'sharing' any server, I paid for it out of my pocket. I've put in over $200 of my hard earned money, and silence refused to forward they payment to our host. Not once, but twice. If you ask why I'm inactive, it's because shit doesn't get done in this clan.; not since Aegean left. We have a lazy leader who doesn't do his job. Now if silence agrees to be responsible and make the payments for the servers when due, we wouldn't have an issue. We never spawned anything past the new map. It's absurd how you people hop in this rape train.


    In addition, this isn't a matter of vote or not. DaddieoDoug has no idea what he's going into. Serbian made the ruling we are sharing DL.

  10. Sure, would you like me to scheduale a day for him to come in same time w/ me? If you want some background info BEFORE he comes in, his name is Randy, he lives in the state of Arkansas. I can have him come in tomorrow and speak with you Gawd if that's okay. Thanks

  11. Thanks for the advice forest. And pinoy, I didn't spam your Skype. I have the message log. You're still lying about this. I did not spam you at all, I never claimed my cousin did it. I'd just like to be unbanned, and I acknowledged what had happened.


    Forest, I did apologize when he FK'd, I don't know how many people it was though.

  12. I was just confused, as Pinoy had been a complete asshole to me and was not helping the situation at all. In addition, I went and talked to pinoy and he abused his ban powers. He also did this to Dukki JR. Lastly, I was banned for trolling and disrespect. I wasn't trolling, I just wanted to figure out how to deal with the situation. What was the problem with my attitude? You gave me the link to the unban page and I was very greatful for that.

  13. -1 currently because of attitude.


    You came in to teamspeak the other day, and supposedly were harrasing CSS DMs and then when you asked me who banned you, the way it was phrased was: Who the fuck is the retard who fucking perm'd me?

    You know that isn't true. I asked Why and who, so I could speak to the specific person. Consider pinoy was harassing me and was calling me all sorts of profanities, I wasn't sure what was going on