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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Amazazing

  1. Amazazing


    You so cooool because you're all nice to me and stuff on facebook :D I miss randomly seeing you in minigames
  2. Jerk :P i snort crushed up crackers
  3. I'm moving into a new house tomorrow with my dad and I won't have internet for I don't know how long maybe a week or something. Just though I would say I'm not ditching or killing myself if people wonder where I am because I know how much everyone loves me. ;D ~ ♥ Canadia ♥
  4. Amazazing

    Let it Out

    I hate being a girl on the internet because most people either just love me or hate me ;) there's not many people who just think of me as just a human being. :3 Maybe I should just start pretending to be a guy again.
  5. +1 he is fun to play with and always follows rules :3
  6. +1 I see him on minigames a lot and hes always nice :D
  7. Amazazing

    Tarin <3

    I agree with this statement.
  8. Amazazing


    +1 seen him on JB, cool guy
  9. Amazazing


    I schlick to this ♥♥♥♥.
  10. I know I'm ♥♥♥♥. Thanks Isaac. ;P
  11. Amazazing


    +1 this kid is fun to play with and is nice :D
  12. It boosted my confidence though QQ I'm just a child looking for the support of my peers.
  13. Who doesn't like dubstep? >.> and MSI is le win.
  14. Nyurrrr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu8U25ZDQy8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY2qPc2luTA Anime + good songs is always good too.
  15. I'm secretly a man. My balls just haven't dropped yet. :/
  16. I snort yogurt in my spare time. I need your help.
  17. Awwwwee :D thank you!!!! You're cool too!! <3
  18. Okay so on Minigames there use to be a map called speederbase and it was pretty awesome but Minigames got some new maps and than speederbase disappeared QQ I don't know if someone got rid of it because you could team kill on it. It was a really fun map though and I am almost always on Minigames and it would be nice to get it back. ^_^ ~Thanks for reading :)
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZ2Sh5-XuM YES
  20. ^banned for being a sexually confused teen
  21. That was so awkward to listen to THIS IS BETTAR evenif it is semi retarded :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bULBnef6w6k&feature=player_embedded#!
  22. For Christmas I want to spend time with my amazing boyfriend and be all nerdy :D I love you Josh ♥ ^_^