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Posts posted by Topaz

  1. "You also need to have a huge knowledge of C++, Java, Sourcepawn, html, php, perl, ruby etc." Link me to places to learn. I SHALL LEARN IT! No, but seriously, I am interested in learning to use all of those :P. If I learn it, I can put in the hours.

  2. LIke all of the reasons above me prove that age is not everything when it comes to maturity. Aslong as they can meet the following requirements then Its fine with me:

    1. Knows the MOTD well, and checks it daily

    2. Can handle being trolled.

    3. Doesn't hardcore troll.(Example: Your and ugly mother♥♥♥♥ing peice of ♥♥♥♥ that needs to get a ♥♥♥♥ing life)

    4. Can take a joke. (Does not mute/gag someone for just messing with him)

    5. Will stay active on teamspeak.


    EDIT: +1, For reasons above

    (Off topic, I need to check these parts of the forums more often)

  3. ^^^This^^^


    But I have found if you do the following it should work.


    Start>Computer>C:>Program Files 86x(Windows SPecific)>Steam>steamapps>(Your Username)>CSS And deleted cstrike. It workes for me. It just deletes saved maps. So be careful when doing this.

  4. Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha♥♥♥♥INGhahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


    Now that I got this out of the way, LISSSA YOU ARE INSANE xD

  5. Hmmmm... Scripting to get our server more votes. I disagree with hacking, but I am not sure, although I am all for getting more votes for the server, I just don't agree with scripting/hacking.

  6. I am at an impass. Great idea, but again, it would indefinetly be hell on the mods and admins/mods/divs. And silence would definetley have some trouble keeping up with 2 JB servers. I am not +1ing nor -1ing. I just hope a resolution is in sight.






    No, Just No. I was talking with Herpes and Cari on TS. We were discussing this, I told them what I thought, and I say it again. It's too much trouble, for mods+, especially silence! It's hard for the mods+ because say there is only 3 mods+ on, then 1 or 2 go to the other jb server to help, then it leaves the other server vulnerable, because it's only 1 person. Especially with all the new mods they won't know how to handle them right away (No offense) and then a TON of people will get away with breaking the rules.


    Also, it would be dumb if it was only 30ish people max on the server, because then if people want to play with each other, and the room is full, or almost full, what are they going to do, other than find a NEW jailbreak server...

  7. I am very lazy, and un-artistic I just got my avatar off of google. Although, I would like a much more fancy spray. Anyone mind making me one?


    All I want it to say is I am colorful dot, and I am very colorful (Must contain dots of somekind)





  8. Okay, this is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Leave him alone. I mean, What the ♥♥♥♥ is wrong with you guys. He obviously did nothing wrong.

  9. Well, my city has the WORSTE NAME EVER. Its Cumming. I wonder what drunk idiots came up with the name. I want to walk right up to them and shove a large sign saying "Welcome To Cumming" right up they're ♥♥♥.