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Everything posted by Qdoba

  1. Qdoba


    Basically, he shouldnt have admin. Im not saying he shouldnt be in xG but he is a troll. Pictures are really small here are links to the bigger version: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/614970636809765765/E0BCECD2BD39BBB133942FF2B242FF8A0682C312/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/614970636809765121/425E3F0E087F363C3ACBF7A1CC648EDCFDABEE7A/
  2. I agree with that order of rules, its not too harsh but lets ppl know its not tolerated. Snackbar tho you need to take a chill pill, you are raging so hard over this. You shouldnt let ppl get under ur skin. I am not racist and i have never been on an xG server so im not defending ppl who are. I play on JB and Minigames all the time. Ive played a little less lately because JB gets too full, but when i am on i must not be seeing the racism you do...? Are you mainly talking about jailBreak?
  3. USA ! not that Canada is gargabe People dont say "whats that all uh-boot?" <- lolz America is full of fat-asses but at least im not one of them :D Shooting guns whenever the ♥♥♥♥ i want !!! i really like trolling on the way the word about is pronounced in Canada.... and if not everyone says it like that i dont five a guck !! i like to think that they all do lol UH-BOOT!!!!!
  4. Qdoba


    +1 havent seen him cause any real problems, knows rules
  5. Qdoba


    ummm wtf lol
  6. Qdoba

    Serbian Abuse

    full proof evidence.... lol
  7. Good player. Mature on server. +1
  8. Qdoba


    Member Name: Qdoba In-Game Name: Qdoba Steam ID: QdobaWhore Age: 19 Game Time: 4 years. 68 hours on xG with 96% activity and rank 121 as of 11/22/11 Helpful Skills: surf like a motha♥♥♥♥in boss ! lol intermediate climber haha and i use a mic !!