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Posts posted by LostCause

  1. I have been inactive recently because my computer decided to take a dump and destroy its hard drive and fry its motherboard. I was able to actually get on the forums on my shit HP 2006 Laptop so i will try to be active on the forums while i wait for the parts i need to repair my computer. I do have another computer but that one is at my uncles right now because his fucking broke last week and my uncle needed to use one for work. So i will be inactive for probably around 1-2 weeks. Just letting everyone know whats going on and why i haven't been on recently. I'm still here just my computer sucks dick.


    See you soon!


  2. I have been inactive for a couple days and just letting you know that i am still here and will be active again. PS just posted this because forest is a ghay homo slut and told me 2. Fack u

  3. I dont like this guy very much but im going to post anyway. This guy is a complete douchebag and wouldnt put any contribution into the clan whatsoever and dosnt deserve to be in xG. Soo gg no re. Buh bye




    No im kidding he is a great guy and would make a great addition, hes funny, and knows shit, and i love him. So gg. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

  4. So i was just roaming through omegle like i normally do tryin to get girls n stuff cuz thats i do. And i came across this ugly thing. Here take a look. Yah too bad you wont be able to fucking see it because this gay stupid ass picture spinning april fool shit.....


  5. I actually got back yesterday i was just to tired to post on the forums but whatevs. Well im back and will be back on the servers and stuff and all the jazz like that. But wont be on tommorow cuz easter swag. Will be on later today though and well yah. Im back.

  6. Okay once again i am going to be inactive starting Friday March 22, 2013 for i am going on vacation for spring break woopee. I know i have been inactive a lot in the past month and i sincerely apologize with family problems, and family loses, and such so. But i will be back around March 27th or 28th i dont know yet. But i will be back and i am not leaving and can't wait until i can get to play again with you guys! Alright peace out for the time being. ;)

  7. This is just an update on whats been going on and why i havnt really been on the servers. I havnt been on the servers recently because i was grounded for the week cause i did bad on my English Test, but whatevs. But now i still might not be on for the rest of the week because we've been having some family problems which will not be told. And i also have a funeral coming up over the weekend so expect to see me probably late on Saturday or Sunday morning im not leaving you guys i love you all. but other than that i hope to see you guys soon. :)

  8. I know before i posted was a troll thread but now i actually have to go but not permanently i will be inactive on CSS for the time being i might be on teamspeak from time to time but i will be inactive for maybe a couple days but i will miss while im gone. I will be back soon so dont kill yourselves while im gone for a little bit.

  9. Well i cant believe im actually doing this but well here it goes. I think its about time i leave xG i have been in the clan for over a year now and i can say it really has been a great ride. I have so many memories from people who have left and people still in the clan. Mostly from the xG Minigames server which is for people with swag and i love that server its how i found xG and how i started my journey. So over the past year i have became a member and made some friends lost some friends, and made more friends and lost more friends. So many friends of mine have left and i miss them. But im getting older and well dont really think i have the time to be on the servers and sometimes i just dont even feel like playing on them at all. All i can say is that i will miss a lot of you and it has been on hell of a ride.

    I will mostly miss forest he was like my bffffffl and we were so swag


    I will also miss a lot of you more who i just dont feel like naming but well good bye D;


    IM Just kidding i would never leave to soon i have so much more to look forward to in the future and i love all of you and i wont leave you now. This has been a troll post and i will not miss any of you because im not leaving. So Hello! Once again im not leaving dont think so i love you all and want to make babies with each and every one of you. Except serbian and chrono They are really smelly. :D

  10. ...




    Wait, what?


    No, who the fuck said I was leaving? Since when does "See ya" imply someone is leaving for good. Naww, nawww. I'm not going anywhere, at the moment I'm moving. I won't be around for a bit cause we'll be moving shit and getting settled in.


    Pfffft.. Forest leaving xG.. You're funny. 10/10 on a scale of Funny to Fucking Hilarious. ANY WAYS, I'll see you guys when I see you. Cheers!