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Everything posted by DCook

  1. Congratz man. Hope to see on JB soon. ;)
  2. DCook

    Girls? Or Fakers?

    I want to know how many of you think there are really girls out in this gaming world and how many of you think they are ALLLLL fakers. Poll honestly (no one will know what you vote unless you say so). <3 I think there are girls out there... They just to shy to say anything for fear of being crapped on by the males. I am a Cookie and I +1 this message.
  3. +1 Even if you rag on me for being a girl you are still pretty chill. xD
  4. DCook


    +1 Fuck yes!! Segway is the best damn rebeller and I <3 his voice!
  5. DCook


    O_o LOL! Would just like to point out... 10 PAGES
  6. DCook


    Awww Hwy you hate the thread now? Its not even really about you anymore... just people being derps... :D Me included
  7. DCook


    1. more. pagge! *inches towards it*
  8. +1 Played with him on dust. Very cool. :D
  9. +1 You kill me a lot. D: Lol Good player
  10. DCook

    I just wanna say...

    girls just happened. :D
  11. DCook

    I just wanna say...

    fuck No Banana! It's not what it looks like!!! I promise!!!! This is a different kind of friendship!! Uh... Like um....... Like me and you go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly. But cookies and nukes go together like cockroaches and the end of the world. =D.... Uh..... =DDDDDDDDDD Smile cause I <3 you!
  12. DCook

    I just wanna say...

    Thank you Nuke. :3 Hey. Did you know? A nuke bomb is a cookie's bff? It's true. :D
  13. DCook


    This thread has become my LOLZ!!! paradise. :3 Congratz Glenn Beck, as I doubt thats what you wanted. xD
  14. DCook


    O-o *puts wrap around your wrist* Now you can't
  15. DCook


    Thanks but no thanks. I already got my e-sex... now phone sex coming from my girl. <3 Love ya Banana... like white on rice... but not that much. XD
  16. DCook


    By mouth? Jk. I'm totally no being a creeper I just posted here in the first place *look above* then it morphed. O-o
  17. DCook


    I am too.. Did i forget too mention I wore a tanktop and bra? XD
  18. DCook


    -'- Suck it b*tches. XD Lolz jk. <3
  19. DCook


    Pshh. Mine have character... I haz scars :3
  20. DCook


    xD DuckiiJr. I <3 you just a bit more for that. :)
  21. DCook


    :O Can I .... uh.... well nevermind... This lesbian is strictly.... lesbian?