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Posts posted by G1McKenzie

  1. I somewhat agree too this.

    If a CT ever opens the cells before orders have been given I rarely see them ignored. Pretty much all the time they are slayed and for multiple accounts of the incident they have been teamkicked/banned.

    Opening a cells after orders have been given isnt really a problem, I dont think that should be a slay, just a warning for first time offenders.

    On the other hand it can also be annoying to the warden and t's. The t's may be asking for a repeat and may follow the wrong orders when cells are opened if a repeat is not given.


    I think the MOTD is meant to be strict in order to stop potential rulebreakers before they commit the offence, but it is the admins/mods decision.

  2. +1



    King, please use the correct format or write a few sentences on why you +1 please.


    Also, game time refers to the amount of time you have played in game, and on the xG servers if you want to be a bit more specific.

  3. Make the gun cell random so cts wont camp it and tazer you the second you come out,


    ^ This


    Can you possibly vary the pistols too? I really hate glocks.

  4. +1 Completely agree to this, many a time have people acquired the xG tag because of joining the steam group and not actually applying to join xG. Hell, even I asked if I could wear the tag when I was invited to the steam group.