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Posts posted by G1McKenzie

  1. Custom built this, and it was NOT cheap.


    OS: Windows 7 64bit ultimate

    CPU: I7-990X 6 core Extreme edition 4.0GHz (overclocked)

    GPU: 2x Nvidia GTX 580 3G

    PS: 1kW

    HD: 1T

    Zalman Reserator 1 V2 Liquid cooling system

    One bluray and one dvd drive


    Can run any game on max without any problems at all.


    Minecraft peaks at about 650 FPS

  2. 1. I'v played all the call of duty and medal of honor games ever made.

    2. I cant bhop

    3. First multiplayer game I played was runescape (at 10 years old)

    4. at about 15 years old I botted runescape for about a year and sold the cash I got from botting for £100

    5. Half-life series is by far my favorite game ever. ever. ever. ever.

  3. There's about 5 classes for CT's in which you are given a special ability/boost for each. for example, if you choose SWAT class, you will get 125 armour and lower gravity.


    What do the others do though?

  4. Nope. Good luck trying to play without sound on a game based around verbal communication over mic.


    You're first to die on LR, Simon Says, etc. Best you can do is make it to the bottom of cell stairs.


    Exactly, in first/last reaction you would have to copy what everyone else is doing, but you're probably gonna be the last one to do so.

  5. I think you handled it perfectly, he really shouldnt be playing on a jailbreak server if he's deaf.


    Although I agree it's a bit unfair on him that he is deaf (assuming he's not lying), It's also unfair on t's if there is a CT that cannot hear the correct orders.