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Posts posted by G1McKenzie

  1. Once again, my bank account was locked and i needed those and i'm "rich" but i dont have the money It's plots and houses in iraq...




    Also, in the original post you can see where vinnie donated $50 for mod. :3

  2. When the wardens a pushover, sometimes telling them you're going to shiftwalk to medic works, make sure the warden hasnt actually said no though.


    Also helps if T's are semi-spamming the mic and the warden dosent have much control over it.

  3. Member Name: G1McKenzie


    In-Game Name: G1McKenzie


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35584368


    Age: 16


    Game Time: CS:S, 124 hours, Minecraft, over 300


    Game / Server: CS:S Jailbreak, minigames, surf.


    Helpful Skills: I'm very active on the CS:S servers, especially jailbreak.

    I have a mic, and use it every time I play I call warden often on the jailbreak server and I cant remember the last time I freekilled that wasnt due to bad aim.

    I know the rules and I'm quite a forgiving guy.

    I'm Scottish and my accent makes people ji zz (apparently)