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Everything posted by DR.STRANGELUV

  1. Excellent server. Keep it up.
  2. You play with me enough to know that I am VERY clear. I, as warden, harp on mic spammers for the sake of clarity. I DO NOT believe in tarps. To me, tarping is a cheap trick (but people can play however they want as long as they don't break the rules). All I am asking is for - To those with power - DO NOT just take people at their word. The addition of this new repeat rule has caused ALOT of confusion b/c not everyone reads MOTD (or knows how). If someone is consistantly being unclear (and refuses to acknowledge this), then take the power into your own hands. ELSE Let NAZIs be NAZIs!!!
  3. I know, but there are mods/admins who do not know this, and I have seen many !mute/!unmutes to argue during a round, and then slaying begins... This is the problem that I have... The reason I can talk fast and be clear (as long as no one mic spams) is b/c I have a routine of the SAME orders everytime. I ALWAYS repeat orders, I open cells, mark the time, and then give the EXACT time of compliance. Some type repeat and then I have to defend myself against the powers that be while trying to control Ts before I get slain. May I suggest a memo to clarify this repeat rule so we can plug this exploit?
  4. Some people like weak wardens to rabble on...w/e When dumb/weak CTs cannot control Ts, they should switch teams to give someone else a chance. But they dont. They scream RTV ____day. This sucks. Cause some of us like to ACTUALLY play... Everyone should accept responsibility for their own actions and should be judged independently. Just b/c some CTs freekill, does not mean the warden is at fault (although, there are exceptions). +1 for 5 seconds. I can accept death if I get caught. I just wish others could do the same.
  5. The problem has noW become the "rule" of repeats. No matter how many times you repeat, there is always a troll who types repeat, even after cells are opened and after multiple repeats. So, any warden gets slain when they refuse to repeat. Again, this skews to T favoritism... Nobody likes waiting for a round to get to 0:00 and beyond... PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE!!! I know everyone wants to play, but I shall reiterate: I believe in QUICK THOUGHT and QUICK REACTIONS. I believe that true skill lies within these 2 principals.
  6. I speak for myself, and myself only. From the other responses on this thread, my perception is that they do not want to change the rules. Why cant players play their role the way they feel it should be played? If I was 1 warden with 11 deputies vs 32-38 terrorists, I would be as hard as I could be. Plus, rebelling on a good CT team brings pride. I take pride in being a hard ass and I hope those who rebel on me feel pride that they overpowered me. This brings respect.
  7. Agreed. Derp CTs can ruin a day very quickly. If a CT does not feel like they understand the orders, they should not take the shot. It is THAT simple. I have let alot of Ts live b/c I was unsure. But I listen, I predict, and I react.
  8. No offense taken. Your style is how you want to play. My style represents how I like to play. I try to stay 1 step ahead so I do not get overrun. To me, its a tactical challenge to be CT and Warden. Each player has their own style and, as long as they dont break the rules, they are entitled to play however they want to play. Agree?
  9. I always repeat now. B4 they type, so they should be ready to play. I am at least that considerate. No one ever complains about my orders being unclear unless they or I lagged, hence the repeat. But you cannot control the speed I give them. I am always clear as I can be and I try to make sure that no one talks over me so no one cries freekill. And, if you play w/me regularly, you know that I call the time when I open cells (after the repeats) and give the EXACT time of compliance. Should not be an issue.
  10. First - please read my posts before declaring QQ's if you were not there. Second - I do things my way and I still follow ALL rules. I am a control freak. And, honestly, is an extra 2 seconds really going to make a difference? There are still going to be ALOT of babies crying about that. When will the line be drawn?! Did anyone actually read this thread or just "impulse" post?! Cuz NO1 wants the rule to be changed! Especially over 2 sec! It will make NO DIFFERENCE! All this will do, will cause more people to cry FREEKILL b/c they can. You want more cry-baby headaches, by all means, change the rules... Pretty lame.


    B/c the trivia u suggest can take a LONG time to get thru. People try to be TOO clever w/their trivia questions and it goes on FOREVER! Some people and/or admins complain that the round is taking too long.
  12. No it doesnt, but nice try. There is rope. You try being warden and getting thru a day w/o last CT or freeday if this 10 sec BS goes thru... JB will be ABSOLUTELY lame.
  13. IKR! The rules are already skewed enuf for Ts as is! Its already VERY difficult to be a CT, not to mention WARDEN!
  14. ASUS M4A89GTD PRO AMD Athlon II x4 core 3.0 gHz MSI Radeon 5770 Hawk (has 128 bit shader bus :( not 256) 4 gigs RAM 1 Tera HDD space (I know i should go solid state, but not now...)
  15. TY Trif. Duckii - Again, I ask you to speak for yourself and not everyone else. Thank you.
  16. No. It is MY form of control. You have to have control, or it is a freeday every round. I hate freedays. Freedays = weak warden And if it isn't clear, how come so many comply? We don't want the round to go to 0:00, so people have to die. I believe in quick reactions and quick thought.
  17. I follow all rules. I even follow the highly exploited "repeat" rule. How I follow these rules is up to me, the player. Otherwise, the game is lame b/c you are restricting freedom and creativity. Stop crying and stop talking on everyone's behalf. Speak for yourself. I DO NOT want rebellers. That is my job as a CT and as a warden. JB is a role playing style of gaming. (and I even repeat b4 people type "repeat"!)
  18. Get it in MOTD. Otherwise, you are abusing. Its not like I give 1 sec. And when its 32 Ts against 12 CTs, ya - I need to thin the herd QUICKLY! Its called strategy.
  19. You cannot change rules for any reason. You can approve or disapprove of a game b/c it does not comply w/MOTD, but you cannot make up NEW rules on whim. That would be an abuse of power. Deal with it.
  20. Then you are crying. Then it is whim that u decide to change rules. That is unfair and no fun for the CTs.
  21. We don't want everyday to be a "warden dead freeday" So let the strict wardens (me) have their strict days. I dont warden whore and I hate being warden 2x or more in a row. Let it be! And I even repeated b4 opening cells. You slayed me. You are wrong.
  22. So the new rule is the "repeat" rule which specifies a repeat when asked (at beginning of round as it applies to the warden). This rule already gets exploited so massively that CTs cant keep control and it becomes more difficult to get through an actual day. This becomes further complicated when mods/admins slay a warden (like myself) when they give 5 sec to comply with orders (even after REPEATS!). This, to me, is the definition of abuse. I was told by someone hiding behind admin chat that I cannot talk fast and I cannot give less than 10 sec to comply with orders. This is getting ridiculous. Where does it say in MOTD any of this?
  23. I think LordAragon deserves a shot at containing some of the craziness that happens during his time of play. I have never seen or heard a complaint about him and I think he would perform his duties honorably and w/o abuse. +1 for mod
  24. There should be extenuating circumstances to alleviate the burden of carrying the label "rebel"...