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Everything posted by TheRageWay

  1. Steam Internet issue's <--- thats your issue that your talking about in this thread it should be Tech Talk because you cant be "General" in "General Chat" because this isnt general this is Tech Talk. If you wanted to say your back then you go to Hellos and GoodByes. So "Generaly Speaking" you shouldnt be posting anything in this thread that has anything to do with whats General with anything besides xG "Community"
  2. Two Words My Man. New Fag. btw iv been in xG a year Iv seen this clan falling ever since. I think silence should just pack up take what hes got and #shutdownxg dont get me wrong I love xG and its not silences fault(not all of it). Its the Community. Its not what it used to be back in the day you wouldnt understand because you werent here. its the people inside how broken it is now.
  3. Im sorry to tell you this but this is in the wrong section please put this into the Management section under Bans because this is "General Chat" P.S. You can get banned for a day because of this.
  4. +1 Yes, Im sorry to tell you this but this is in the wrong section this "General Chat" is really "Community Chat" not "Girlfriend Chat" so I would ask you please put this in the Arbitrary section. P.S. You can get banned for a day for this.
  5. Im sorry to Inform you of this but this is posted in the wrong section Im now a DO-RIGHT member on xG and this should go under Tech Talk P.S. You can be banned for a day for this.
  6. It pertains to the "Community" so yeah it should be here im giving an opinion on how I think something should be. :p thats what this is a Community Chat and im linking something that talks about the Community.
  7. Walking Dead *Scroll down till you see it* (you will know)
  8. Im going to say how I feel about this.. for being banned not that I care that much now I know but I was confused before so Im going to start this off by giving you the Definition of General:Affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread: "books of general interest" Okay but fastlane is under Arbitrary: Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. (RANDOM) VS (WIDESPREAD) <-- this is my arguement and I feel that most people will just disagree just to disagree but what ever not like they actuly care they just want to say somthing to look cool (but there not) *cough Aubri cough* Now you know Iv been in the clan awhile and before we posted everything that was in fast lane into general basically we didnt ever have the "Fast Lane" before now it was never clear to me until now that the "General chat" has actualy became "Community Chat" so silence before you ban anymore people I suggest you 1. change the name of the fucking subject 2. post it in a sticky with bold letters since your banning people for a day.(probably a rule somewhere but guess what I didnt look "who has time?"). Now again for you haters who are I already know is going to disagree just to fucking say something I want you to know I learned my lesson Im not going to do it again NOW THAT I KNOW. So dont go telling me "Stop Complaining" "Its only a day" "No one cares" <-- I do. btw idgaf about what you got to say unless its at least postive unless its critism now please tell me xG has manners because if you dont have anything good to say then dont say it? ever heard that? well now you have. P.S. If Im confused and iv been here a year surly someone else, is just saying. GENERAL CHAT. <-- Yeah No.
  9. TheRageWay

    Walking Dead

    Discuss. Use The Spoiler.
  10. Some one is mad that they didnt get CO >.> Lol jk but no seriously like duckii has been gone for how long? -_- idc anymore about whos CO really its probably going to change again in a week - - - Updated - - - Fucking fourm gold couldnt stop laughing fucked up my comp alittle when i took a drink a water and read this post
  11. tbh xG Jailbreak use to be the chillest and funniest shit to play now it feels like its up tight reason I stoped playing CSS Jailbreak and Warrior not to dis respect but I dont think people should QQ about this its fucking funny when ppl rush a rebeling T and they are told to because Warden has power over everything essentialy it just makes it funny but I guess if you like to stick up for rules and have a tight ass about it then I guess your on the wrong server at least that what it was back in the day ppl would tell you to go play fucking NO3 jailbreak to have that hard ass jailbreak but like i said xG jailbreak aint what it use to be and I was here b4 most and im sure many old xG mems would agree with this
  12. TheRageWay


    Its a new FPS MMORPG its coming out for PC, Xbox, and PS3 you guys should check it out if you want to see game play here [video=youtube_share;b16lY3Zrnf8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b16lY3Zrnf8 I highly recomend it. its some what like boarder lands and Fallout really 2 great games For some reason the embed isnt working so http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b16lY3Zrnf8
  13. +1 if you agree It should be factions,towny, somthing and no banned items besides like nukes and some rings but other than that i feel thats how it should be
  14. nevr min i gut teh mincraf acunt ad meh TehRagHay
  15. TheRageWay

    Da Fuq

    Same thing has happened again duckii is now above silence so im just saying that his is a problem I also lost some more points after i gained like 2000 idk if that was silence or what but some thing is wrong.
  16. TheRageWay

    Da Fuq

    Didnt mean to double post I was trying comment my own shit and it was the wrong thing then I couldnt delete the post -_- @autumn so can I get my points back? or can we fix this in some way?
  17. TheRageWay

    Da Fuq

    Blame silence? lol sike but arnt you the only one that has power to do that?
  18. TheRageWay

    Da Fuq

    I mean idk but something is wrong and I want my points back :( I like to be in the top 15 on fourms now im not even on the first page -_-
  19. TheRageWay

    Da Fuq

    Wait so apparently I was browsing the ranking and silence is just taking fourm points away from people like duckii JR.had over 25,000 points now only has 16k I dont understand. like this is fucked up because this is only happening to certain people.
  20. TheRageWay

    Da Fuq

    11:50 AM TheRageWay has lost -2075 Points for User points WTF IS THIS!! -_- can someone fix this!?!??!?! What the hell.
  21. TheRageWay

    FPS vs. RPG

    Their hybrids as I said before and their great games because of it.
  22. CSS is the best counter strike out GO is shit on a bun -_-
  23. TheRageWay

    hlp pls

    i relly wnt tu pay mincaf agin wuld u plz giv me a accunt i culd usee.. i relly mis mincaf i payed et alh teh tim plz plz hlp meh...
  24. League of Legends f2p game and the most world-wide played game right now.
  25. Shoot with a gun to help promote gun laws (sarcasm) -_-