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Everything posted by TheRageWay

  1. King J got me to join xG in the frist place at 5 am in the morning so id say him xD
  2. TheRageWay

    FNM Anyone?

    I dont know about you guys and idc how much you call card gamers nerds but I rectently started playing magic and it is a strategy game that takes skill and a bit of luck to play xD and I love it and I want to know people in xG if you play also xD Edit- Also check out this amazing vampire deck and comment on it below xD http://www.mtgfanatic.com/Decks/ViewDeck.aspx?ID=134763&Page=1&PageSize=25
  3. Good guy iv played with him also knows the rules id give him a +1 xD
  4. Hey its TheRageWay xD and Im applying for mod as you can see. Iv been in xG since last year early December but iv played on the servers before that. I play alot of CSS and some other divisions like LoL. Also I haven't been on recently because I had been grounded for bad grades :/ because I didnt do my homework Im too busy on jailbreak server lol xD but now im going to be back for awhile because I just got my PC back. Also I think I should be mod because I know the rules and I see that there's barely any mods on at night like 2 a.m. to at least 7 p.m. by that time Microsoft is Ussaly there in jailbreak by that time... also I do alot of deathrun and I would like that server to be populated with my help because when It was Xmas break I always invited people to deathrun and almost get the whole server full xD Im on most servers mostly JB though. Well thats my reason to be mod is to help in any way I can xD
  5. +1 iv played with him and hes a good guy and knows the rules he should be in xG xD
  6. okay well I needed your attention some how well I'v now found the perfect music tranquility so check this out... Play this: [video=youtube_share;FDYIdBZUl2Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDYIdBZUl2Y and then go to this website: http://www.rainymood.com/ While the dubstep is going xD ENJOY! Thank Me Later..
  7. +1 defiantly because Iv played with turdwing for along time and me and him know each other and i know hes a good CT and a T also hes cool to hang with seems chill so yeah ill vouch for him
  8. Dude i fucking almost did a backflip WTF! headphones on and im tired as fuck..... i was like fuck this spoiler shit scroll down only a little bit to see yours and WTF!
  9. Wow it is 50/50 right down the middle I voted for pedro <--- see what i did there? xD
  10. lol xD Maby I should try plane out my problems....
  11. Dont you love a week off of school to do absoultly nothing or is it just me xD
  12. lol Yeah xD I was born in st. Louis so yeah
  13. +1 talked to him hes good guy and he also has a mic xD
  14. Jacking off on a plane.... and someone walks in... LAWL... True Story Though... lol
  15. So.... I dont know about you guys but we need bronies they make the internet some what Gay as in happy xD
  16. Sigh... well all of my stuff is taken away because my grades are bad and they are taken till summer so I wont see you guys till then... sorry.. -_- but I cant wait to get on some jailbreak again and play.. I'm also going to get a job this summer for some money to buy a new comp since mine decides to crash and BSOD every 5 mins.. Im at my friends house right now -_- if you wondering how I am posting this.. so yeah.. This is kind of a goodbye.. but only for 2 months..
  17. +1 I think we really need this to make this clan more of a democracy.. you know?
  18. This isnt even in the right section.. this should be closed -1 -_- If you are protesting which you are..
  19. Good guy knows his shit and hes mature of course.. has a mic so +1
  20. +1 I used to play it i might go back as long as im playing with people i know..
  21. lawl xD i looked at it but not the best ass you need to look at some ebony porn xD
  22. +1 good guy knows the rules iv played with him hes mature..
  23. +1 +1 +1 +1 I love strange xD <3 THUNDERDOME!!! hes a great guy and knows the rules and is hella active he should deffinetly be in the clan xD
  24. Do you rember me repeating that shit for so long infront of agean lawl.. xD (trying to prove a point by its ridiculus.. I think the rule should be you only have to say it once.. but if some 1 talks over you or your mic cuts out then you have to repeat it 1 time..)