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Everything posted by the10se1ucgo

  1. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: 10se1ucgo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34611144 or 76561198029488016 Information: Alright, I know you're going to read this and say "oh great, it's this idiot again" but wait, hear me out and then think whatever you want. I was banned about 2 years ago for a stupid "joke" I said. I something along the lines of "if I bought Donor Admin (I was 10-11 when I said this) the entire thing will go corrupt muhahahaha" Looking back at it I find it hard to believe how stupid and how much of an idiot I was. It's been nearly 2 years and I honestly and truly have changed. When I first got CS:S my friend told me "Let me show you the real fun of CS:S" and he directed me to a game of JB on xG. It was the first CS:S game I've ever played and it was one of the best. I've waited so long and every once in a while I join a game to see if I was magically unbanned, but the answer is no for obvious reasons. I completely agree that what I said sounds exactly like a threat, but It's been so long and I completely regret everything that I did that day. Please do understand and I beg you to unban me. Thank you.
  2. Mhm... I understand. Uhh, no, I wasn't being serious. I'm not stupid enough to spend $[insert admin cost here] to "corrupt" anything.
  3. I know that my childish behaviour is mostly what is making you not want to unban me, but I have changed. It has been about 6 months since I was ban and I no longer act as I did when I was banned. I really liked the xG servers and I really hope you guys will consider my unban request. Thanks for your time ~10se1ucgo
  4. Royalty Free Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si8HiBgcg_U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVkh4rIPU00
  5. Unban Reason: Because I want another chance D: Im no longer a 10 year old fag :D Im now... an 11 year old fag :DDDDD I really miss playing the jailbreak. Other JB servers have some really crappy rules that sort of bother me. xG really had the best :/ I have learned my lesson (though there really was none to learn xD) Please reconsider how you think of me :p
  6. Yeahhhh, its not going to be lifted is it.
  7. Reuploaded, here: I will donate 20 dollars soon.
  8. Do I get a free unban? [MEDIA=imgur]80dA1[/MEDIA] (Sorry for the bad quality, I was using a webcam :P) STEAM_0:0:34611144
  9. Do I get a free unban? [MEDIA=imgur]80dA1[/MEDIA] (Sorry for the bad quality, I was using a webcam :P)
  10. Better take that picture if I'm going to get unbanned
  11. Thats the first time I was banned for it. So yes. I do. Edit: First time ever banned :/
  12. Duke is breaking the rules himself, "If you catch an admin breaking these rules, report him IMMEDIATELY."
  13. So? Doesn't mean one week ban. It means 4 hours.
  14. Umm, no? I was banned for saying YES after the round was over because its finally done.
  15. Not to disrespect but, Duke, wtf? You are abusing your powers. The admin handbook states this: If a mic spammer joins the server and will not stop after, you must mute or kick him. If he rejoins and continues to do this, that is a bannable offence. An admin must ban him for 240 minutes exactly. You kicked me, then banned me for 1 week, you are supposed to only ban for 240 minutes! Im not going to make a whole new thread about dukes abuse, I'm pretty sure this is enough. Thanks for your time, ~10se1ucgo
  16. I've read the MOTD at least 4 times :P When I do free kill, I slay myself without being told unless I didn't know. Oh and, you should be using the proper format.
  17. A few people I've met on a different forum, http://ace-spades.com/forums/ don't actually believe that I'm 10: (That was posted when I WAS 9, but now I'm 10. Also, the forum was wiped and a new fresh one was created, so the link no longer works.) EDIT: Screwed up Game Time, My time is: 159.5 hours. Can't wait for rage posts! :D
  18. Orly? I can understand the rules -.- Throw the rules at me. Will just have to try again next year....
  19. Ah yes, what I CAN do is to set up an IRC, with Q/NB/PircBot (Must be Quakenet)
  20. (wait, delete this post, if you can)
  21. Oh hai. Thanks for adding me. I guess :3