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Posts posted by Sporky

  1. It's been a long time since i posted in this forum, or even logged in for this matter. Glad to see the community still having shits and giggles. Don't know if anyone remembers me but steam names were I am Da Law, Dark Knight with a Spork. or Sporky. I think the last time I jumped onto was when the JB servers were still up.

    Dont know if EZ is still here but wanted to pay a visit cause of an old video i posted long ago and just found



  2. Welcome to xG.

    Hope you enjoy your time here with us.


    I use to be very active on CS:S and currently an Admin but most of these days you will find me playing league. i come on from time to time but get bored easily. Add my steam as im usually on most 24/7 for when a admin is needed on any of the servers. Cept for TF2 and Gmod :P.

  3. my +1 to unban.


    Is a good kid. Never did anything wrong and never had any problems. Played with him alot when i went on to JB . Havent seen him for a while due to him leaving and school. Other then the fact the ban was for the steam group i don't see anything else that's wrong.

  4. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:

    YouMissed #Matty Mullins

    Steam ID:



    He cant seem to post for on here for some reason.

    Ban Reason : Joined the Wolven community Group but never joined the actual clan. He went inactive due to school so was unaware of the Ban.

    He was also being stoopid and didnt know that he had to click forms on top to submit a request. #ggnore

  5. Some of the Motd rules and listings are really long. Best thing we should do is try simplifying each part.

    Such as gist of a day:

    Follow the warden orders.

    Ts may Rebel at any time.

    Last T gets lr excluding Wardays.

  6. We should totally make a cult following on xG for this shiet.


    #Believe in yourself. Not in the you who believes in me. Not the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.

  7. I remember when we could just go searching for Rebels with out permission. The only reason IMO it got out of hand was that Ts would camp inside there cell or waited in an area for a specific amount of time and a roaming CT or "rebel-hunting" CT would kill them the instant they came out. Then they complain and moan about it, asking why wasn't he with Ts and all that jazz.


    Pertaining to other things.


    1."If a T enters a 'cheap spot' instead of a vent, are you allowed to kill them?"

    Yes, they are delaying/detouring trying to either make an easier escape to the vent, or to "Hide" so the cts walk by.


    2."During a Joke Day, if 2/3 or 3/3 of the judges say "Die" before the T even says his joke, are you allowed to kill him?"

    This is debatable. Having a day like this would be unacceptable but if it was actually a enjoyable day. Take an example. We all obviously Forest could be warden and the judges are xG members or regulars on the server. Chrono is up with his joke and we all know Chrono is a baddie and has no sense of humor. So we all vote die before he says anything. We have a laugh. Move on. I see it as a once in a while thing but not something to determine the whole day.


    3. During any opinionated games (FR LR, Trivia (or something)), And the warden says "warden kills only" and the T who is suppost to get shot runs away/stacks with another T intentionally, are you allowed to kill them?"

    Kill Them...With Fire.Why? Since they are are baddie rebels for moving and failing to rebel.


    4."During LR, if a CT intentionally freeshoots a T or freetazes, is he allowed to be slain?"


    but in other news, if its use to harass the T or Delay the round then Slay. but i agree with most of what Forest says.


    5."During LR, if the T does russian roulette, and places the CT in an area with guaranteed death (pit of doom, door, etc), is that allowed?"

    Russian Roulette is luck so you don't know whose going to die. but if the T is delaying the shot for the door kill then repeats in the same fashion a 2nd time, they should be slayed. Take example when i do Russian Roulette, Map would be Canyon in where

    i go to climb jump off and activate RR. So that we both would die one by the bullet and the other by height.


    6."During LR, if the T plays Deagle on Air, is the rule "Must be in the air at all times" implied?"

    For any LR, I believe Server Rules should be Implied, and have people start saying the custom rules they want BEFORE they start the LR. This would stop people for example starting Deagle on Air , Try to type out the rules

    only to be shot point blank with the Deag as he is typing and then having him complain that the guy wasn't in the air. So basically Custom Rules before the LR. if not then Insta-implied Server Rules so if they start Deagle on Air they know to be instantly to start shooting each other in the air No rules needed to be Typed.


    7"During LR, if a T "Orders" you to do something, (i.e. all CTs stack up on my spray), are you suppost to do it?"

    Nope. Ts may only give Custom rules for the Lr they wish. If the T does give orders. it is up to Any of the CTs Discretion on whether they choose to follow it or not.


    8."Are CTs allowed to go rebel hunting without SEEING a rebel or getting permission from the warden?"

    Please refer to my first paragraph.

    CTs Should always be with Ts at all times. Unless they know there is a rebeller such as headcount is short 1 or 2.

    At Least have some common sense when you be a CT maybe just a smudge bit.

  8. I would want Division for Xbox or Consoles in general but i wouldn't want it to be Just strictly FPS games. i would want to expand my horizon of gaming with the division like RTS Or TBS or RPGS(<--Lol) or maybe even fighting games. And as a leader it should be one that has played many games both older and newer ones. If a division like that started we could start making Lets Play or have playthrough videos on the xG youtube channel ...(does that still even exist? lol) where we troll around and joke while we play a game. Or maybe start making Achievement videos. Do game reviews on console games. Examples would be RosterTeeth, Tobuscus ZGR and such.

  9. You intentionally gun planted by shooting a gun into a T, You freekilled, You created a day called Black Day with KFC on one of the maps, which in turn is Encouraging Racism, in which you notice in the first clip he has people repeating the N-word multiple times.


    Proof will be posted at a later time









    I was under cover i believe in the 2nd or 3rd demo, the third one when i was warden and he was shooting a gun into the ts.


    Videos were not recorded by me but by Pure Hawk who is Active in our CS:GO servers.

    I dont really know how to work The demoing/recording in CS:GO or CS:S for that matter. so if someone can watch these and shorthen it for me at the major parts :T