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Posts posted by Lonewolf1925

  1. This happend, It was an issue that needed to be dealt with because he is terrible mod and anybody with a good working brain wouldn't have ever appoaved this day.

    Proof will be put up later when It finishes uploading to Youtube.


    Link: These videos will be put up later when the videos are done uploading.

  2. Get 1.5tb With all my games i'm at 903 GBs left. And it will build up with software and what not...


    I'm going to upgrade later on in the future. For now I'm getting what I need for now to start playing games, and I felt a 1TB drive should be good for now, plus I have a few spare Harddrives left around my house that I can use. They aren't big hard drives but they should be good enough until I can get more.


    8-12gb of ram should be fine. Unless you're multi tasking. When I had 8gb I ran minecraft, ts3, vent, skype, origin, chromo, and some steam game. So if you feel like saving a little money for accessories do it.


    I've changed that and alot more in my latest build. This build should allow me to upgrade when I need to more easily then the last one.


    AMD Phenom II X4 955, Asus Radeon HD 7770, Thermaltake Commander MS-I ID - System Build - PCPartPicker

  3. Ok so I've been gone from the servers for a long time now, so most likely you guys don't remember me that well The reason for my absence is the fact that I need to get a new PC, because this one refuses to play any game beyond 10 minutes at a time before I get servere lag. I've tryed everything from cleaning the entire computer, to checking the hardware, to Looking all over google and different forums for fixes, etc. Nothing has worked for long term and has only made it so I can play for a weekend at most before it begins to start messing up again.


    I figure most of you know more then I do about building a Gaming computer, and I need to know if this is a good build. If you can give me advice on a computer to get or some good parts to put into this please give me advice. I'm not looking for a good looking computer with all the LEDs and stuff,I'm just something that will run my games. If it goes beyond $1000 I'll have to consider it, since I want to be able to play my games as soon possible and would rather just upgrade it later on when I need/want to.


    Just a few games I play/ want to play to let you guys see what I want to play:

    Any Source game like TF2,Gmod,CS:S

    Fallout NV

    Deus ex:HR


    Any Tell tale Game like Sam and Max, Walking Dead, or Back to the future.

    The Darkness 2

    The Stalker series

    Day Z

    Super MNC

    Tribes Ascend


    I need to know if this computer would even work? If it does work how well will it work for these games? Can I get the same or a better part for cheaper.


    My latest Build (as of 7/21/12 at 10:20 PM EST): AMD Phenom II X4 955, Asus Radeon HD 7770, Thermaltake Commander MS-I ID - System Build - PCPartPicker

  4. Thanks for replying. I think I found out what was wrong, just hope it works so I can get back on the server and annoy people *trollface

  5. I need help, for whatever reason when I'm playing a game it will work fine but then after a while it'll start to have servere lag for no reason. I have no idea what this is or why it's happending but it first started to appear when I started to play on the TF2 Saxton Hale server and has slowly gotten worst on my Tf2 game and spread to both CS:S and Fallout New Vegas(While on NV it only happending for 5 min. then it'll go back to normal but it returns after some time has gone by of me playing it and eventually I just give up) I'm not sure if it's also happend on any of my other games but I want to avoid playing them as much as possible to make sure I don't cause even more damage. Please help me as much as you can.The only fix I have found is quiting the game everytime it happends then restarting it from a save point or check point, or just rejoining a server but this only postpone the issue and makes playing games more stressful then it should be.


    ---------- Post added at 11:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 PM ----------


    I'm bumping this as much as possible. I need help now and fast before this gets any worst

  6. I dont remember one time that I broke the rules unless it was way back when I first joined the server. I have read the the !motd and know the rules as most of them are common sense.


    ---------- Post added at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------


    Added the other server that I'm on most of the time