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Posts posted by Charrax

  1. What people seem to miss in my posts is that even if he doesn't hack. He still broke enough rules to earn a perma-ban.


    Looking through the logs this is what I see when it involves him:






    -Advert Abuse

    -Misuse of chat.

    **Each with multiple accounts**


    People who accused him of hacking or were in the server at the time:

    -[xG] DMTWired



    -Little Bee

    -J. Fizzle (The only one who did not accuse of hacking. Because he was dealing with his own problems)


    Here is an excerpt from the logs:

    [20:11:25] "Adj" Penis (Chicken nipples): /pm juicy i use a custom crosshair because my default one messed up somehow so i can just pretty much pull out a pistol and

    [20:11:27] J. Fizzle: HEY MISTER

    [20:11:32] "Adj" Penis (Chicken nipples): /pm juicy shoot them real fast


    The first part didn't seem too bad but the second part did. I never got a response when I asked what he means by "Shoot them real fast."


    That is after offering that if he did not lie about hacking. I would reduce his ban from perma to 4 weeks.

  2. Alrighty.


    You all know me. I have admin experience in all source games. I run servers and I know the community.


    I would love mod on the JB especially. Because I always check sprays and watch my teammates. No matter much of a friend someone is, I will report them (And I have!).


    If you Mod on CS:S and hear me sarcastically yelling all the time. You may have heard me even stop and report somebody via either admin messaging or steam chat. I always point out a vent camper.






















  3. Okay lets go over why:

    1) You were supposedly hacking.

    2) you RDMed a whole lot.

    3) You broke NLR a whole lot.

    4) I could ass more but let's keep this simple.


    Here is how it goes. Why let a hacker and a RDMer (RDM also accounts in TTT!) go on a server in which combat is a primary topic.


    If this protest goes through. You are only unbanned for TTT and on the first non-accidental RDM you are permabanned. If you happen to hide the fact you RDM in matters such as disconnecting or anything else, I will try you get you banned in the Sourcebans database (Meaning no xG for you). If I find you hacking or get even reports of hacking (From trusted individuals) you will be banned and yet again, sourcebans. I might even contact other communities to get you banned there. Such as Steam Gamers, ECGamers, and CrowbarGaming. Maybe I could even get a higher ranking person to get you banned in HG.


    If this goes through you will be on the tightest leash in the middle of a lake with the thinnest ice.





    Why I think he Seth Hacked (Or other hacks but seth hack is the most probable)


    1) He flew around without animation (In a t-pose). That doesn't happen. It isn't even a glitch. Wire Forcers would also keep the animation and would not force a t-pose.

    2) He went through props without animation (In a T-pose).

    3) He walked extremely fast without accurate animation (In walking animation). Drugs amkea really fast animation and I took off Cocaine. The in-rp druglab drug is not THAT fast.


    What is a t-pose? http://www.interstellarmarines.com/media/uploads/article_images/setting_up_the_shoulders_area_of_the_marine/t-pose.jpg



    I would not actually get him banned but more along the lines of report him. It is a thing that we garrysmod users do. Seth hack is a very hard hack to combat. It is not like I would be like BAN THIS GUY. More along the lines of: watch out for this guy.

  4. The hell us wrong with you people. Seriously. This kid has been CT banned at least twice.


    Not to mention he doesn't know the MOTD for shit, he is immature and his friends are usually banned for breaking rules.


    He is also perm banned from most GMod servers due to breaking handfuls of rules.


    This is the most -1 -1 that I ever -1.

  5. This would be pointless regarding that half of the people can only use awps and they never holded a scout ingame besides no scopes and they suck xD but if you want a scout that bad look in armory and find one maybe we could add a scout class for cts when they type !scout that gives em that p228 nade and 50% kevlar


    The class Idea is good.

  6. -1


    Some of these people left xG. If they leave then they also leave the community in ways.


    Also if the non-member community could decide on this stuff... Shit would be so uncontrolled after awhile.

  7. Well... Lets cast votes.. Comment with a:


    -1 : They should have no say... They left so why should they care? It is their fault they left.


    +1 : They should have a say... No reasoning.

  8. Whenever somebody picks up an AWP they either:


    - Can type !scout to exchange the AWP for a Scout.


    - Receive a menu pop-up asking if they wish to exchange for a scout (!!! I recommend this one).


    - (OPTIONAL) If many CTs have AWPs, theirs will become a Scout. (Somewhat recommended (for reasons 2 and 4))


    - (OPTIONAL) They can also type !auto for a selection of the Kreig (CT auto) or GS3G1 (T auto) (Highly not recommended)



    -AWPs are very overused in Jailbreak. I for one would like to use a Scout.


    -This way when a guard dies, the T won't win the rest of the game because he/she may have a Scout instead... Making it much easier for the CTs to have a fighting chance. (The T can still pickup an AWP)


    -People stand still during JB all the time. The AWP is just overpowered in this case, but the Scout requires a headshot, adding more of a challenge.


    -Ts can actually run somewhere without being killed off the round instantly.


    -Wardays will be much longer lasting and much more serious.


    Why I think we should keep AWPs:

    -Main reason - People will bitch that they aren't as pro as they once were.


    -It keeps the game in-check. We kind of NEED AWPs to stabilize the balance of the server and so shitty CTs can still play.


    ... Thats about it... PM me if you wish to add reasons.


    Try this out:

    Go into the JB right now. Once a T gets the AWP. Wait to see how many are killed (CTs) until they are caught. See how many try to run away until they get blown away from the AWP.