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Posts posted by Charrax

  1. No? It is rarely done. Which is why I did it :D


    EDIT: Oh I just saw your thread (For the first time may I add), this isnt a xenoGamers lets play. I just recorded at the time they were there. I will record in teamspeak maybe but it is still not an xG gamepaly.



    Also just saying one more time. I have nothing to do with xG, by advertising the already populated clan both I and xG get nothing. Like I have barely any subscribers and most dont even play CS:S.

    Like if I owned the group and/or the group was not that populated then sure. But think of me asking you to advertise a group you just joined... one that has tons of people... that is a dumb as hell idea.

  2. link to our website/mention of our clan in the description would be wonderful


    Except xG has nothing to do with my channel. I see no reason to shoutout xG. I mean I may (well in part 4 they mention xG) but not like actually stop and shoutout


    Also about the teamspeak. I have my own mumble with users in it to make videos. Mumble is also low-latency and is easier on my computer's bandwidth. By using your teamspeak not only is my bandwidth higher, but there are trolls in it. Sure it is great... but not worth a reward.


    Also my rank in xG is just... member. I get nothing from shouting out xG.


    So enough of that.



    Part 1: Introduction to the Game

    Part 2: Playing with Subb, Skyler, Pancake(Mykhol) and SGTBLU


    Watch Part 1 here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-MpGhsPsm4


    Part 2 will be on my channel!


    How to be in the videos: (Slim-Chance)

    1) Be in the room when I record (Whatever room)

    2) You must be either IN-GAME or READY to be in-game.

    3) We -For some dumb reason- play on USMidWest

    4) I will not record if there are:

    -More then 5 people

    -Some people not in-game



  4. that's good, but if so, please edit this thread, whoever did it, if the TTT was to be made official plus another server that'd be great, just get rid of the tt option then.

    and idk an yother game mode besides ttt, so i don't know what'd be better, darkrp for what've heard.


    Well I am bringing (When I get my membership) my TTT and Sandbox servers, and putting them (maybe) on the serverbox for xenoGamers.


    Further information (like the custom weapons in the TTT) will be told when my app files through.

  5. Hello there! I reign from Garrysmod (mainly) but I love the xG community. I play on xG a lot of the time.


    I also wish for my Garrysmod server to be the unofficial/official TTT and/or Sandbox server(s) for both my private clan of friends, and the growing community of this epic gaming clan. Although I hate warden-ing on the Jailbreak... when I do, good times are expected. I make friends on the servers literally every time I go on them! Oh, hey, also I am a furry. You will see me correcting people like CTs and Ts on the JB rules often. Also my friends list is just admins mainly. Admins from servers I play on or own. I have a good amount of admin experience.


    I also have a fairly decent aim. :3


    So thank you for reading friends.