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Posts posted by Charrax

  1. Please stop posting, Arthman. You embarrass yourself.


    He means it was impossible for them to no copy it because the rules are exactly the same fr most Darkrp servers.


    Basic rules are always alike. Do not RDM, Do not abuse... shit like that.


    Duke doesn't mean he actually copied it. Rather the rules will look alike because the MOTDs cannot be so different after all.. It is kind of impossible unless you guys make rules for... a different game.

  2. Yes, theirs was basic rules. I mean if you see his MotD and see the other one you will realize they are different.


    But it is nearly impossible for the content to be different as the rules are the same.


    But! They didn't copy it. I kind of expected them to freak out on this (Mainly STALKER/Arthman).


    So great! End of story! Nova's MotD by duke is much different and you will see it later.

  3. you even refused to tell me who HAD the motd. Anyway, serbian is awaiting on your side to give the MOTD thingy. He got ours with timestamps dating prior you had powers. we'll see who's right uh?


    Duke and Nova are not on my team fo developers. They just made the MOTD without my permission and I said to continue. I don't have the motd (I say this so much! Get it through your head that I don't have it!) Duke and Nova do.


    I didn't tell you Duke and Nova had it because you were most likely going to harass them next. I don't want that happening.



    My developer team who is writing an MOTD from scratch is SliperyFingers. Because you guys caused so much drama over something as little as an MOTD, I will not use yours regardless.

  4. Serb, he simply REFUSES to show US the motd. HE SIMPLY REFUSES. I asked him who got it, he refused to comply and tell me who. Also, if we SEND HIM and he copy pasted, he'll change it. How about this. Me and chrono send you OUR motd , then they SEND theirs. deal?


    I told you over and over I do not have it. Why would a Div Leader steal?


    I am done with this crap. We may just drop everyone and use a whole different MOTD. Or I will make my own but it will delay the server a bit more.

  5. Don't ever call me out for rage.


    You called me and a large amount of members "Fucking Pricks"


    "11:33 AM - STALKER: Listen, how about you quit lying like a little prick you are? I don't have to deal with your bullshit, just tell me her current name"



  6. I cant show the MotD that doesnt exist on my harddrive because you guys never sent it to us.


    After multiple requests.


    I do recall somebody sending me something that was not written in HTML... But that was not from an xG member.


    Would be preferred if it was in HTML...

  7. Your MOTD was never even sent to me once upon many requests. I didn't even see it so I gave up. (I asked Arthman about 3 times and you about once)


    Arthman, you were demoted for abusing. I wasn't going to demote anybody during hte test because... well it was a test of the admin powers as well... But you abused a bunch.Also your laggy computer + a vehicle == Not a smart idea.





    But Chrono, if you want to send me your MOTD then shoot.

  8. @@Mayeski Charrax, as the division leader for the DarkRP gets to pick the admins, so he chose a group and said "Here ya go."


    That is an awful way to put it.


    The current admins helped me out a shit ton with creating classes, finding models, working on the MOTD and more. They deserve it.


    The best I remember from some people who have A or M is joining the server and trolling on and on while breaking some other rules.


    Also just putting this out there: Slipery Fingers helped a huge amount. He blocked more then 3000 models all by himself. That took a long time. I know if I give him anything he: 1, isnt even xG. 2, you will most likely get mad.


    But the kid helped more then anyone else, that must show something. Effing 3000 models. That is crazy.

  9. Mumble is better tho :3


    Speaking of mumble. Since the TS is down (and if it goes down in the future): You sexies with mumble clients can join the mumble I host sometimes called: *edited, sorry but we dont allow advertising of other servers that are not xg on the website*

  10. This looks like it took 2min to make...imma try it out sometime


    So does the old minecraft.


    They developed this in Flash in like 3 weeks. I am pretty sure the release version (the one on steam) is in C++o r Objective C

  11. For amatuer work, the purple lightning sprays are NICE.


    I agree with the first clause there.


    Like they are pretty alright. But they are mostly just add-ons to already-made pics.


    Start from scratch like a baws.