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Posts posted by Charrax

  1. The photo's are edited due to me having two monitors and print screen takes a picture of both. I cut out the other monitor. Charrax that chat is 100% legitimate, and you know it is. I do not see why you are using the fact that i cut out my other screen as evidence against me. If i was trying to create forged evidence why would i purposely make it easy to tell that some parts are cut out?


    You took out the part where I justified what I said about Athrunn. Please put that back. :)

  2. Honestly this should be a general protest on how shit is being run right now on the server, and not just at one person. Charrax is in charge so ultimately its his to oversee and he isnt the best with dealing with people, but take away the fact this is just a charrax member protest and i sure you can all agree the way things are being done right now, the server will be dead in a short period of time, even now we are lucky to get it more then half full on a weekend


    Exactly. I have been looking into this.


    This protest is all wrong and all this is doing is slowing me down. I was already working on this. Just ask any admin, I said I was making a new handbook publicly and Aeon and I agree'd to reset bans one week ago!


    Also all my posts successfully defended my case by proving the false points wrong. Sousei, that was really a warning. I support you as a player.

  3. Lol you guys take things like this is real life like bro its a game why cant we all just get over this shit. I'm just saying that even though I win the award for the most annoying and rule breaking player, I still have a say because you the people made me a member. I'm just recognizing the fact that things get outta hand.


    I just come on here to have fun, not to impress any of you.


    Fuzz I do miss you :( But I dont miss your trolling.

  4. Also I am adding that Xemnas's photos are not 100% valid. They are edited or leaving out information and (I wont because this is so funny) I could probably ask Aegean or Brian or Duckii or Serbian for assistance because of this forged evidence.

  5. Also I am adding that all bans are being reset Thursday.


    We were supposed to go into a softer banning scheduled after Christmas but we never did. We will don't worry.


    This has been planned for weeks. I agree that bans have been harsh. They will be reset Thursday and I have been writing up an Admin Handbook.


    Fuzz, you broke so many rules. I yelled at you constantly because you were probably (Most likely ) the worst player. I dont mean by skill. I mean by rule-adhereing and general trolling.

  6. Time to finish this.


    This is a response to Sousei's post.


    1) Admins and Mods are promoted by performance. Venom Destroyer for example. He has been sending me STEAM_IDs for such a long time. So I thought that was a great admin skill to get and report STEAM_IDs.


    2) Scooter has been on the server nearly constantly.


    3) I dont think you understood Tarik's ban. It wasnt a ban on TTT for what he did on DarkRP. It was a build up of all the douchy things he has done since joining xG. Also that wasn't just me. I asked Aeon and both Super Admins.


    4) [MEDIA=imgur]jJZ67AT[/MEDIA] this isn't a threat. This is a warning. Admins warn people all the time. I was actually trying to help you out by notifying you. I said you were doing good recently. The tab was still there. I meant you werent adding to the tab.


    5) The original reason for my member protest was ruled false because some of the things that I was being protested on were actually ending up on my side in the long run. Hence why I am Div again.


    6) Silence authorized me to use Google Adsense. Stop being so ignorant. It makes (without clicks) 50 cents a day. With clicks about 4-8$ a day. That is really low. In fact if I even tried to put that money towards the server there would be literally, 100 percent, no difference at all.


    But it's not and the daily amount of people on the TTT server are to show for it.


    The declining members are actually (This is after asking old regulars and recent regulars I noticed who stopped playing) because of school. This server was 32/32 in the summer to such a degree that no mods could even join if they had to.

  7. I think my strict and rude way of running things works. :D


    Lol whitetext. Too cute. Did you ever stop to think that I was not serious? In fact I ALWAYS say I am not serious. But I hear you are abusing your moderator powers and RDMing as staff! You honestly think I would have a friendly opinion to people who break rules and are general trolls?


    Lol this isnt enough proof. Good luck.

  8. - Annoying mixes with trolling.

    - You have a couple rdms built on you. Just like Bane. You rarely RDM, but you do.

    - I already explained what I mean by trolling, most staff members can agree.

    - When I asked you to switch it on Dark RP you went from "Mike Hawk" to "Mike Hunt" and to many other names like that until I banned you.

  9. Hold up. He forgot to mention that ever since he joined xG he was building up a "tab" of bans. He was annoing, he constantly RDMed, he constantly switched his names to stupid shit, and he constantly trolled. I kept telling him to stop constantly switching his name. I joined the DarkRP not only to see him doing the annoying name switching but also prop blocking just about every door in the Plaza (Fountain) area.


    Rethink all +1s beyond his point. I dont accept any above this post as they had not heard the whole story.

  10. ...


    We have banned him. Moderators can only ban up to 10080 (Why he couldnt just 9999999).


    The ban error is a serious error that we are trying to fix. The only way around it was through HLSW (Which is how Aeon and I banned him in the past).


    He was banned before. He was unbanned after the time passed. I like to start from a clean slate after the time passes. As I was gathering evidence for a member protest I as going to do, I looked at logs and saw that he broke many more rules.


    Scooter is completely right. In all honesty you(plural) do not know how our ban system works, it isn't anything like Sourcemod or the CS:S/TF2 misc admin mods. We had errors (no mostly resolved) whenever banning specific people so my staff could not ban. And regardless of what time he came into the server to find Duplolas immaturely arguing about rules he has broken (Most of the arguments) it was clear he was causing the problem.


    I got steam messages frequently telling me that Duplolas was starting problems.


    Now about the most recent (Brian's) post:

    -If we came to you, you couldn't have done anything at all since you have no powers on the server, and to my understanding, no RCON password.


    As far as I knew what buisness was it to tell oter people of a ban error (Not glitch)? Why should you care? I can still ban people with the error.


    We have been waiting for him to get enough evidence stacked up against the rules and we finally had enough.


    Offenses are: Multiple-RDM, Revenge RDM, Trolling and Starting Agruments, Disrespect (In server) to staff, Clearly doesn't know the rules (Look at his old abuse thread on me), Killing W/ No evidence.


    And more.


    I am keeping him banned until after I talk with Brian/Silence. Because once the talk is finished he will definitely agree with me. I feel so strongly that if I unbanned him for just the small interval that involves me talking to Brian or Silence, that he would be breaking rules.


    As a final point: Look at how little effort he put into the OP, he obviously doesn't care or isn't trying hard enough.











    This is the highest "Yes" I have ever gotten in the history of server votes. I am 100% serious.


    I will update this as I talk to my staff.

  11. Half-assed.


    I took several votes and just about everyone wants you gone from the GMod.


    The only thing holding back your perm was that you were in xG. Now that you aren't, see ya!

  12. So awhile back I got some proof saying that you were banning people for having stupid names. Kinda pisses me off. Silence even said to me that you do it all the time, and thought that it was in the rules that you could. Worst of all, I found out about it when some guys were laughing about it saying you did it once to get a laugh out of the people on the server. Thats fucking low.


    I think you the most power hungry, abusive, pieces of shit I have ever seen. You come on "your" server drunk, bad mouth all the division that isnt "yours" and then abuse. You even have a private build server that the clan is paying for that you say you can deny anyone who applies to join it for any reason and no reason. Mature shit.


    So I tell you what. Because you really are the only one who knows how to work all the code shit for GMOD and because xG needs its higher ups, im going to cut you some slack here. If you come out and apologize for this shit. Including apologizing to all the divs you insulted. As well get a damn written admin ban lengths for Gmod. I wont post it.


    Oh and another thing. Derp, who is a great mod. Basically permed 4 people for me when he wasnt ever on the server. He join asked another if it happened and then permed them. And it wasnt until some guy who was a regular who mass RDMed and left to change his name that you jumped in and told Derp not to listen to me anymore.I even had a Demo at the ready and multiple people came to Derp and told him it happened. But you still told him not to. Ya. Great way to run a division.


    @Deodate Hey dickwad. Whats up? Oh. Remember how you and highhthere got a girl to try to troll me while I was drunk



    1) We have legitimate reasons behind KICKING (not banning) those people.

    2) I don't drink so I wouldn't go on my server "Drunk". Just ask Aeon, I don't drink. Not a fan.

    3) I badmouth your division because you badmouthed it on my server (My entire div is witness to this.)

    4) The private build server isn't being paid for. It is part of a box and uses like no resources. I denied you because I didn't think you were mature enough (Or liked by more then 10 members) to play around without breaking rules.

    5) I have nothing to apologize for.

    6) I told Derp to go in and do those perms, silly. If you knew how admining worked you would know that Aeon and I have a nearly constant watch over the server.


    Just because I run a strict server doesn't mean I am abusive. But a person who constantly edits other people's forum posts (you), derails threads (you), and is a complete hypocrite about a division which requires no skill to run (guess who!), and has caused the most problems with other members (we actually did the math, it is you)is sure one hell of an abusive idiot.


    TL;DR: You don't know how many people are happy right now. We were actually all planning on member protesting you.


    P.P.P.S I created a Steam Group for all xG people who have left to keep in contact with each other Steam Community :: Error

    We already have a group called "xG-Retirement Home"


    TL;SDR: Duplolas was an ignorant member from the beginning who was literally just about to be member protested.


    Note to admins: I am not hating on him here, I am just telling him why he is wrong.

  13. yeah cheating against bots? lol that makes no sense i wasnt killing real players in a real game hahahaha


    So you were playing a fake game? Counter-Counter-Strike?


    I do what i want im a rebel without a cause

    LOL I want to see what happens when you get out into the real world.