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Everything posted by DerpO_o

  1. The minecraft.net servers have been messing up nobody can connect to any minecraft server. So its not just you :)
  2. +1 7/10 A 7/10 M Cool guy, knows rules and when he accidently breaks one he slays himself and stuff.
  3. -1 7/10 A 3/10 M You disrespect, and "troll" every time you are on. Every time you're on you say "WHY DO PEOPLE DISRESPECT ME AND NOT GET BANNED" even though you are the one disrespecting. You srsly need to grow up.
  4. +1 I was there and stuff.
  5. DerpO_o

    xG Memes Thread

  6. -1 What everyone up above me said. A 8/10 M 3/10
  7. +1 Knows Motd and is a good warden A 8/10 M 8/10
  8. Well, today there was a brief time when no admins were on and it was chaos. So many rule breakers.
  9. +1 You sir, have gotten a lot better than you were when you first applied. 8/10 A 8/10 M
  10. Okay. There is a serious problem on jailbreak. Whenever somebody new gets on the server, the go instantly to CT because they want to have guns. 75% of the time they have no idea what they are doing and just go CT without reading the motd. This is extremely annoying and so far today I have been freekilled five times(or more) by retards who don't know motd. I think that there should be some plugin that makes it so new people on the server can't join CT for a certain amount of time has passed (Like 3 days or something like that.) so that they learn the rules a bit before they go guard for the first time. This will also make the job of a mod or admin a lot easier. Please post your opinions on this.
  11. +1 One of the few good wardens on jb. M 8/10 A 8/10
  12. -1 6/10 M 7/10 A Doesn't know the rules too well.
  13. Meh, I'll join I guess. *Insert pun that causes stence to accept me here*
  14. Just ignore people if you don't like it.
  15. You can get DayZ with the ARMA 2: Free and ARMA: OA so you don't have to pay as much. (And no sadly I need $20 for ARMA: OA ;_;)
  16. Good. There is waaay too much disrespect on the servers.
  17. +1 A 8/10 M 8/10 W: Fun person, knows rules
  18. +1 8/10 A 9/10 M Knows rules, is a furry Noob, Is a furry
  19. HawkEye can track: Block Break Block Place Sign Place Chat Command Join Quit Teleport Lava Bucket Water Bucket Open Chest Door Interact PVP Death Flint Steel Lever Button Other Explosion Block Burn Block Form Leaf Decay Mob Death Other Death Item Drop Item Pickup Block Fade Lava Flow Water Flow Chest Transaction Sign Break Painting Break Painting Break Enderman Pickup Enderman Place Tree Grow Mushroom Grow Mob Kill
  20. A plugin called dynmap is cool and easy way for people to find their way around the server. It creates a real time map of your server world(s) that players can access on the internet. (The link for the xenogamers dynmap would be http://mc3.xenogamers.com:8123) It is very easy to set up and configure. BukkitDev Link: Dynmap - Bukkit Example: